Thursday, June 19, 2008


You are about to embark on a strange adventure...the inner workings of a condominium association and how it treats it's members.
You will meet heroes, villains, and everyday folk.
You will meet those who act and those who stand on the sidelines and just watch.
You will hear stories of greed, treachery, duplicity, and all the other things that make life interesting (and sometimes unbearable)!
You will see pictures and graphics that back up what is said here. Facts (especially illustrated facts) don't lie. Nor do I.

So, to paraphrase an old dramatic radio character...
Come with me, for I am The WhistleBlower and I know many secrets...

Tonite I was confronted by Kommisar Carol J Krengelis, new President of the Condo Board.
She accused me of deflating her bike tires.
Curiously, she left out the fact that I had posted a notice in the basement about my tires being deflated, and offering a reward to anyone with information! (My bike seat cushion and rear tire rack were also stolen, but the rack has been returned.)
In addition, she accused me (and you're gonna love this) of turning the basement lights on, while she was in the basement! (Of course, she doesn't explain why she was in the basement with the lights off...)
I emailed her...
Please feel free to offer verification to your accusation "You (meaning me) turned the lights on while I was in there." Date: Time: Reason you didn't have the lights on while you were in there. (should be interesting): Looking forward to the Board Meeting (We have on on August 6th)
I'll let you know if she replies. Personally I won't bet on it.