Monday, June 8, 2009

Waiting for Gutless (2) PLUS: The ED-iot Strikes (#0da) & Fox Management Group (#194)

On June 4th, I wrote...
On May 1st I detailed how art therapist Eddie Foss "lost it" and screamed at me on the street in front of the condo on May 30th. I encountered him yesterday in the back yard of the condo.
He grudgingly apologized, muttered something else (which I believe was meant to mitigate and
minimize the apology, at least in what's left of his mind), then hastily fled.
Since I didn't hear his statement clearly, I emailed Eddie last week...
My thanks for the apology you made while you were doing laundry in the '58 and '60 laundry rooms yesterday.
However, because you were turning away to lock the door of the '60 basement while you spoke, your statement after the apology was somewhat muffled.
I caught a couple of words..."indefensible"..."moving"...and "basement". The rest was garbled. I would appreciate it if you could repeat or even expound on what you said.
Semantics are everything, as you well know.
That's why I always ask for clarification.
I loathe misuse of the language and the misunderstandings it creates. I'm sure you agree such misunderstandings are to be avoided at all costs.
In that spirit, I await your reply.
Mr. B
PS: as I have pointed out in the past, just as you stated publicly that you prefer to be addressed as "Ed", not "Eddie", I prefer you address me as "Mr. B", not "Brian".
If you choose to not do so, I will address you as "Eddie". Your call. I'm waiting for a reply.
No reply.
Are you surprised?
I'm not.

In the usual news...
I believe the ED-iot is becoming desperate.
The fact that he's been unable to remove the posters has generated buzz within the condo that claims by the Board about my being wrong might not be true!
Add to that, with Spring arriving, several unit owners are putting their homes up for sale, and they'll have to explain my signs (which are at ground level, and thus the first things you see when you enter in front or back) to any prospective buyers.
More as it develops...
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$554.48, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $5, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $25+ a week!

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