Friday, October 2, 2009

Board Meeting (3) & Fox Management Group Owes OVER $1,200! (#276)

The last of the e-mail relating to the September 30th Board meeting...
To graciously accommodate Mara Feldman-Fox's stated Special Needs, we will break the Addendum into three sections...
Section 3: The Matter of the Minutes...
I mentioned that we had not received the July 2009 Minutes in several e-mails to both the Board and their servant, Mara Feldman-Fox...

July 24th...
"Surprisingly, Mara actually managed to send the assessment notice before the 20th! (First time in over a year!)
But, as I predicted, Eddie failed to provide the minutes for the July Board meeting in a timely manner, so it'll be almost Labor Day before we find out the fate of the vote for the '58 basement space.
Could he be stalling because the Board finally came to it's senses and realized they desperately need the money M would pay?"

August 9th...
"I had such high hopes for you.
You actually managed to deliver the assessment bill before the 20th for the first time in almost a year (even if you didn't include the July 2009 meeting minutes, but I expected that!)"

In neither case did Mara Feldman-Fox OR any of the Board members (Secretary & art therapist Eddie Foss, President & business analyst Carol J Krengelis or Treasurer & financial aid manager Diego Arce) cc'd mention that the Minutes had, in fact, been sent out!

On August 11th, I asked...
"PS: When's the next Board meeting?"

Mara DID respond the next day...
"The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 6:30 pm."
She DID NOT mention that the info about the meeting was, in fact, in the Minutes sent out in July!
Considering I was asking about info readily available on the Minutes AND had mentioned in ALL my other correspondence that Mary and I had not received the Minutes, a conscientious (and honest) property manager would have said something like "Do you need a copy of the minutes?"
Mara Feldman-Fox...didn't.

Her (deliberate?) failure to provide information is, I believe, yet another in a long line of examples of Fox Management and the Board dealing in "lie by omission".

I emailed Mara...
"Have the enclosed July 2009 Board Meeting minutes been distributed to Claremont unit owners?
If so, when?"

I received a rather terse response less than a day later...
"Minutes were mailed along with the August or September assessments."

So I e-mailed back...
"You're not sure which mailing, eh?
How do you bill for work performed if you don't keep records?
At any rate, it's curious we didn't receive it in either mailing...almost as if you were embarrassed by it, or didn't want us to see it.
After reading it, I can understand why..."
I have, as of this date, yet to hear back from Mara.

Indeed, considering the libelous contents of the Minutes written by art therapist Eddie Foss and facilitated by Mara Feldman-Fox, it's obvious why she failed (deliberately?) to send us a copy and failed to respond to statements that we had not, in fact, received them!
Seems to be the usual "lie by omission" MO, eh?

And, in the Minutes I note you failed to provide the unit owners the ACTUAL terms to the deal you turned down because it would probably make financial aid manager Diego Arce and business analyst Carol J
Krengelis either look like financially-inept fools or that they were deliberately committing an act of fiscal malfeasance to benefit a fellow Board member. (I, of course, did a mailing "filling in the
gaps" on this matter for the Unit Owners)
Instead, art therapist Eddie Foss created a libelous fantasy of a dangerous criminal living in the building!
Even THAT doesn't explain why a deal offered by the "dangerous criminal's" innocent spouse would be refused, unless the Board believes in the un-American concept of "guilt by association" (not to mention "guilty until proven innocent" in regards to the so-called "dangerous criminal" himself, because I don't remember being brought to trial on ANY charges).

And you wonder why we don't trust you...

for Unit Owner M

PS: Did I mention Fox Management's over a year overdue unpaid bill is (with late fees) over $1,200?

Curiosly, early this morning, a new flyer went up in the lobbies stating the lobbies and hallways will be painted starting Monday!
My theory: one of the Board is looking to sell.
The last time any work was done on building cosmetics, a Board member sold her unit (at a $50,000 loss) and bailed.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over a year ago, now!)...$1,251.96, from an original $75!
They've broken the $1,200 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $12, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $60+ a week!
It's over 270 (two hundred seventy) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 15 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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