Friday, October 22, 2010

Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $17,000! (#541)

Along with the (as usual) late assessments, there was an extremely-abbreviated Minutes from the Board meeting on October 14th.
I, of course, enquired...
We note that (like the previous meeting's minutes) there was no listing of who actually attended the October Board Meeting in the Minutes that came with the (as usual) late assessment notices.
Thus we take it as given that, like the previous meeting, the only attendees were art therapist Eddie Foss and Mara Feldman-Fox, and will post it as such in our Annotated Minutes.
It does raise the question on how anything could be voted on since only 1/3rd of the Board was present! A quorum requires a majority vote of the Board. One out of three ain't a majority.

In a related note, it seems odd that landscaping is going up 50% since Eddie's excuse for keeping the $10 a month '58 Basement living space is that he's doing it, pitiful as his efforts are.

We note that the assessments are going up by 5% for a total of $2,245 per year.
This is only slightly above the $1800 a year offered by M for Eddie's $10 a month '58 Basement living space, and far less than the $3,600 a year offered for the matching-payments '58 Back Room deal which would allow Eddie to keep the Front Room.
Considering SC's long-in-lis-pendens unit is finally being foreclosed, it behooves the Board, if it is truly acting in the best interests of the condo, to consider all financial alternatives, especially since quite a number of assessment payments have been late (including Board Members' payments).
Amazingly-enough, M has NEVER been late or missed a payment...unlike the Board.
Simply raising assessments for people who already have problems paying is not the answer. 
A financial aid manager like Diego Arce and business analyst like Carol Krengelis would know that...except they weren't at the meeting!
And if they were at the meeting, it shows an unbelievable level of fiscal ineptitude to take this course of action instead of accepting M's gracious offer.

We note there's no discussion or confirmation of additional funds to repair claimed new damage to Eddie's $10 a month '58 Basement living space, as mentioned in the previous Minutes.
If money has been or is being allocated it should be in the Minutes.
Otherwise it looks like a Stroger-style cover up.

We also note there was no discussion as to who the owner of the derelict entertainment center in the '58 Laundry Room is, and whether said derelict entertainment center will be disposed of
Since it was pointed out in the previous Minutes, one would expect a follow up...instead of a cover up.

Also, no mention of handling other delinquent assessments. Curious.

We are not requesting information, but merely pointing out what people probably will discuss after reading the sad excuse for minutes that was hastily ground out.
Any information you do provide is strictly on a voluntary basis and not billable.
Note: your responses or lack thereof will be posted in the Annotated Minutes.
Lack of response will be interpreted as we wish.
I suggest you look at the public's response to such notable stonewallers as Todd Stroger when deciding to voluntarily provide info or not.
Do you want to be perceived as a "Stroger"?
It's your option.
As you might have guessed, I have not received a reply.
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (two years ago!)...$17,230.86 from an original $75!
They've broken the $17,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $170, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $850+ a week! That's more than septuple the amount they originally owed!
It's over 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 180 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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