Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Assessment Increase & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $26,000! (#583-585)

Due to an amazing last-minute flood of business at our on-line store, we haven't posted in several days.
With the Christmas rush (unfortunately) over, we'll be getting back to a normal schedule...

The assessment finally came, and we responded...
We note the assessment finally arrived (three days late) without the minutes for the Board meeting.
Apparently Board Secretary/art therapist Eddie Foss was afraid, nay, terrified, to include the minutes.
Understandable, since he's to blame for the current assessment increase.
Curiously, according to the Condo Code, Fox Management and the Board can't legally increase assessments without written notification, such as mentioning it in the current Board meeting minutes!
(Mentioning you might raise the assessments in the previous minutes doesn't count under the law!)
So, our Christmas circular, distributed (and posted) tonight (Dec. 23rd), will be showing...
1) A certain Board member who's become The Grinch Who Ruined Claremont Christmas due to his ineptitude and selfishness.
2) Business analyst Carol Krengelis' and financial aid manager Diego Arce's apparent fiscal irresponsibility in choosing to increase assessments (even though C's '58 2-E unit is in foreclosure, two others are almost lis pendens, and numerous other units are delinquent) instead of taking a guaranteed $150-$300 a month!
3) Mentioning your apparent failure to follow the law regarding notification of the increase in assessments.
4) And background about the unregistered property management company that unprofessionally advised Krengelis and Arce to commit the financial foul-up...but then, property manager Mara Feldman-Fox has only a Bachelors' degree and no other accreditation...
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (two years ago!)...$26,431.97 from an original $75!  They've broken the $26,000 level!
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (two years ago!)...$26,696.29 from an original $75!  They've broken the $26,000 level!
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (two years ago!)...$26,963.25 from an original $75!  They've broken the $26,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $250, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $1250+ a week! That's more than fourteen times the amount they originally owed!
It's over 550 (FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 300 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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