Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Dec Minutes & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $32,000! (#605)

The assessment bill was mailed on the 21st, a day after it was due, and arrived the 25th.
In addition, the minutes from the December 12th meeting finally arrived.
Several interesting notes...
1) There's NO mention of raising the assessments, even after the mention in the October minutes that they would be discussed and voted upon on Dec, 12th!
2) Typos...
Correspondence-(I wrote down this word, but don't know why.)
Is Secretary /Art Therapist Eddie going senile? Seems likely.

Finances: -$1480 Reserve Fund (Should this be $14,080?)
Well, with Treasurer / Financial Aid Manager Diego Arce and President / Former Treasurer / Business Analyst Carol Krengelis sitting right there, neither could provide the information?
Doesn't say much for their knowledge of the condo's fiscal status, does it?

and then, the biggie:
Storage space fee for Ed Foss to be $30.00 per month.

More tomorrow!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over two years ago!)...$32,813.65 from an original $75! They've broken the $32,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $320, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $1600+ a week! That's over twenty-one times the amount they originally owed!
It's over 600 (SIX HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 400 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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