Friday, October 28, 2011

Mara Feldman-Fox Wrong AGAIN! & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $210,000! (#799)

It seems Mara's pissed off other condo clients besides me, as shown in this recent letter to Mark Pearlstein's Condo Advisor column in the Chicago Tribune, because if it isn't her (unlikely), it's somebody who thinks (in the loosest definition of the word) just like her...

Our board is reluctant to provide monthly balance sheets and profit-and-loss statements to owners, even after repeated requests.
They contend this is not a requirement of the law but is a courtesy to unit owners when they are requested.
I have used the provisions of Section 19 of the Condominium Act to obtain these monthly financial statements in the past.
The board is misguided.
Delivering information properly requested under Section 19 is a legal obligation and not a courtesy to unit owners.
Although the association does not have a profit-and-loss statement, the board should produce monthly financial statements that are computer generated.
Boards that operate under this type of secrecy ultimately generate ill will from their ownership.

Like the Claremont Condos' board?

Now, the board wants to impose stringent requirements for requests for financial information.
They plan to charge a $75-per-hour fee to research the request, a fee for copying and charges for travel time and mileage.
I contend that these stipulations are outrageous.
What options do I have?
The charges are bogus, and your ultimate remedy is a lawsuit to recover attorneys' fees if the board insists upon imposing these requirements.
There is no basis for a charge to research the requests nor should there be charges for travel time and mileage.

So Mara Feldman-Fox is proven wrong yet again.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 ( over three years ago!)...$224,021.09  from an original $75!   
They've broken the $200,000 level! Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $2000, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $10,000+ a week!
It's almost 800 (EIGHT HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting and 
NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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