Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fox's Failure (Yet Again), The ED-iot Strikes (#0an) & Fox Management Group (#124)

Haven't received ANY reply, as yet, to my letter from yesterday...
An Open Letter to Fox Management Group...
We note that, yet again, the assessment invoice was sent out
late by Fox Management (postmark says Feb 21st).
Anticipating your usual failure to act expeditiously, we had already mailed our payment. It will arrive before the 1st, and we will update you on it, as usual.
In a month that only runs 28 days, receiving a payment notice on the 23rd that's due on the 1st (only six days later) would almost seem to be a deliberate attempt to generate a $25 late fee! (The sort of thing credit card companies do when they want to generate additional revenue.)
But, it's not the first time it's happened with Fox Management, is it?
In fact, the last time it happened (in a short month) was about this time last year, when Fox tried to bill a late fee for March that didn't exist, since we had the Delivery Confirmation records to show Fox received the bill on time!
...surprised to see a "late charge" (INV #1770) for $25. The previous statement dated 2/19/08 did not include the $25 late fee. However, a $25 fee was listed on the new 3/22/08 statement. What month and/or invoice number and dollar amount was the $25 late fee for?
According to our USPS Delivery Confirmation records, all of our assessment payments (including the January, February, and March 2008 assessments) were received by you on or before the first of the month.
Sincerely, M
It was a billing error, the late fee has been removed. I apologize for the inconvenience.

You know what happens to those who fail to learn from history...
Speaking of "history", there's no copy of the minutes for the January 2009 Board meeting enclosed in our envelope! (The second time that's happened in recent memory)
Is this the fault of Mara Fox, or of Secretary Eddie Foss, whose responsibility was to produce the aforementioned document?
Will we receive a copy of the January 2009 minutes before the March 31st 2009 Board meeting (appropriately on April Fool's Eve, in it's usual inaccessible location)?
on behalf of owner M
PS: Fox Management's unpaid bill from July of 2008 is (including late fees), as of today, $265.70. (1% cumulative per workday)
Considering the Better Business Bureau ruled against Fox, well...

In other news.
The cowardly ED-iot has been kept at bay by the use of a frame around the flyer posted on the unit door.
No longer can he safely remove my posters.
His impotent rage is palpable in person.
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$268.36, from an original $75!
But note, now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $2, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $10+ a week

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