Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Who is the Gay-Hater? (2) & Fox Management Group Defaults, Owes OVER $2,000! (#338)

I sent an e-mail just before New Years to the Board and their servant, Mara Feldman-Fox...

A couple of weeks ago, as a courtesy, I started leaving periodicals on the '60 laundry room table for those like Pham, business analyst Carol Krengelis, and airline customer service rep Ana Garcia, who use the '60 laundry and found themselves waiting for a cycle to end so they could switch loads.
(Of course, I don't need such entertainment since my unit is, literally, right next door.)
These periodicals ran the gamut from RedEye to sections of the Sunday NY Times to Hoy to the Reader to the Free Press.

Curiously, some ediot feels that information of ANY sort is not appropriate for the laundry room and throws the periodicals out as quickly as I place them--with one glaring exception... this ediot rips-up ANY periodicals that are GBLT (Gay-Bi-Lesbian-Transsexual)-oriented!
But NOT any of the OTHER papers or magazines!

Now, we're NOT talking pornography here!
These are "freebies" found in kiosks at bus and el stops as well as many of the family-friendly businesses around here...including Starbucks!
We're talking
innocuous in the extreme!
Yet, some homophobe is not only throwing them out, but SHREDDING them as well!
THAT'S a level of anti-gay hostility that CANNOT be tolerated in a decent society under ANY circumstances!

It's bad enough that one of the unit owners / residents is both a thief and a vandal (the ediot who stole the condo's ladder, destroying a Kryptonite lock in the process), but that an owner / resident (possibly the same asshole) is an insensitive cretin who desperately needs therapy is worrisome!
Considering we have gay/bi unit owners/residents, this matter MUST be addressed!

At any rate, I'm not going to let this ediot stop me from doing what is common practice in multiple-dwelling laundry rooms throughout the city, state, and country!
I will not let a hater keep me from providing some small joy to fellow Claremont residents who use the laundry rooms!

It'll be interesting to see if this ediot changes his pattern after the Board members receive this e-mail.
It'll back up my theory as to who the ediot is...

And, oh yeah, Happy New Year!
Tomorrow, my theory as to who the Gay-Hater is!

I believe the Gay-Hater is one of the Board...
Financial Aid Manager Diego Arce
Business Analyst Carol J Krengelis
Art Therapist Eddie Foss
If the Gay-Hater wasn't a member, their indignant responses would have been swift and sure!
Instead, not one of them has offered even to bring up the matter at the next meeting, later this month, much less take immediate action to prevent his/her depredations!
There's been NO response to this heinous act whatsoever!
This, to my mind, indicates that one of them is guilty, that the others know it, and are afraid to say anything, lest they be shown to be the hypocrites they are!
In addition, since receiving my e-mail, the periodicals left on the '60 laundry room table have been untouched! Interesting, eh? Coincidence? I think not!
As to which one of the Board members it is...well, you'll have to tune in tomorrow when I present which person I believe it is...and why!

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over a year ago, now!)...$2,319.89 from an original $75!
They've broken the $2,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $23, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $115+ a week! That's more than the amount they originally owed!
It's over 300 (THREE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 25 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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