Friday, May 13, 2011

Ant Infestation & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $67,000! (#678)

NOTE: This post was from Wednesday, but Blogger's outage corrupted the labels, and in order to correct them, I had to repost it.
We contacted Fox Management Group on Monday regarding this...
We've noticed the ant colony in the front yard and grass patch between the sidewalk and street is active, with multiple hills popping up.
It's only a matter of days (if that) until they start branching out.
Last year, that meant an invasion of our ground-level unit.
We would strongly suggest that Fox contact the exterminator they used last year to "soak" the exterior of the premises with insecticide, as he so effectively did previously. (Since he also does the Fox business office/residence, he's obviously considered the best)
Of course, failure to correct this now-reported problem will result in our bringing in a licensed exterminator and billing it back to Fox when the infestation occurs.
But we know you won't let it get to that stage...
Not like the bills you still owe me...
Fox responded...
We will schedule the routine exterminating earlier this year due to your observations.
Note that they said "routine exterminating earlier this year due to your observations".
This is usually done by a small-time local exterminator who can barely handle a few insects in the building, much less the huge colony outside the building.
That's not who we need in a situation like this.
I quickly responded...
Thank you for your quick response.
We hope to see the exterminator soon (like this week) before the ants decide to visit and we have to call our own guy.
One point: you mentioned that the exterminator would be scheduled "earlier than last year."
This is incorrect.
The exterminator who "flooded" the gardens with insecticide was here the first week of April, 2010 (4/5/10, specifically).
This is the second week of May, 2011, a year, a month, and a week later.
And, he was not the usual guy who shows up and gives the units a couple of spritzes.
This was the guy you use for your home/business office at 1820 Clifton Avenue, (or so he said).
He did a spectacular job, and he would be the logical one for a task this size. The usual exterminator doesn't have a tanker truck or the capability for a feat this monumental.
As of now, Wednesday morning, there's no sign of the high-end exterminator Mara uses personally, but is apparently now too expensive for use by her clients, which is odd since we're paying for his services.
Could it be because Claremont doesn't have the money to pay for such services due to Mara Feldman-Fox's financial mismanagement...or something worse?
Enquiring minds want to know!

In other Fox financial news...

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost three years ago!)...$67,971.85 from an original $75!   They've broken the $67,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $670, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $3350+ a week! That's over thirty-six times the amount they originally owed!
It's over 670 (SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 680 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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