Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Laundry Room Regulations (2) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $74,000! (#688)

We received the assessment billing (late, as usual), and in addition, there was a note about...are you ready?
New Laundry Room regulations!
Talk about rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!
We'll go into detail tomorrow...
Here's what they list...(my comments in italics)
  • Use of laundry facilities is included for unit owners and residents only. (Duh!)
  • All contents from washers and dryers must be removed after completion of cycle. (This one is fairly legitimate. At least two people leave stuff in the machines for days on end.)
  • Lint filters should be cleaned after each dryer use to prevent fire hazard. (Of course, the exhausts should be cleaned out every six months, but since that costs the condo money, it's never been done.)
  • Washers should not be overloaded to prevent frequent repair and replacement. (since the machines won't function if they're overloaded, this is both useless and redundant.)
  • Laundry area should be kept as clean and neat (as?) for everyone's use. (Besides being grammatically-incorrect, it's too vague. Do they expect users to vacuum after each use?)
The real kicker are the fines...
"Violation of the Rules (note capitalization) will result in fines: a warning for the first offense, $50.00 for the second violation, $100.00 for each subsequent violation."
Obviously, despite Fox Management Group's desperate attempts to generate "late fees" by sending assessment bills late so payment arrives late, they're not making up shortfalls, so this ridiculous scheme is being floated to make up for Fox's apparent financial failures.
And, how will this be enforced? Are they posting cameras in the laundry rooms?
Add to that the fact that, under the Condo Code, fines can't be imposed without a hearing for each violation...

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost three years ago!)...$74,339.80 from an original $75!   They've broken the $74,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $740, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $3700+ a week! That's over forty-eight times the amount they originally owed!
It's over 680 (SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 940 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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