Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who's Upstairs? Minutes Madness, & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $350,000! (#855)

The renters of the unit directly above us moved out this past weekend.
Yet, their two small dogs are still running around over our heads.
...or are they?
Could they be the rats that have infested the unit two levels up (and perhaps others), but not us...yet?

As to the late-arriving Minutes...
Let's start with the basics.
NO listing of the attendees.
"financial statement review, approved unanimously."
(since there's no listing of attendees, there's no way to know what "unanimously" means.)
And the "approved" financial statment wasn't enclosed with the Minutes.
"Holiday bonuses-approved unanimously."
Who's getting bonuses and how much?
SPRING 2012 projects to be discussed at first quarter 2012 meeting.
Masonry, tuckpointing, and lintel assessment
Basement leak
Basement doors and stair
Front gate buzzer
Oddly enough, there's no leak in the basement laundry rooms, nor are the stairs damaged.
The reference is obviously to Board Member / art therapist Eddie Foss' $10 a month '58 Basement living space, which has become a money pit for the condo association.
The fact that supposed "financial professionals" Diego Arce and Carol Krengelis continue to allow this monetary hemorrhaging is an indication of their total lack of financial acumen.

More tomorrow.

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 ( over three years ago!)...$397,897.54 from an original $75!   
They've broken the $390,000 level! Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $3900, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $19,500+ a week!
It's over 800 (EIGHT HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting and 
NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
She's not even registered as a property manager, as required by law!
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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