Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Stalker?/Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#8)

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed that the padlock on our storage space in the basement of '60 has been tampered with by "persons unknown"
It's an Ace padlock with a weather-proof flap. I leave the flap up.
Some idiot (or should I say "Ed-iot") has been flipping the flap open, usually very early in the morning.
Since Edward Vincent Foss (with whom I've been having a great deal of trouble due to my exposing what I believe is his misuse of a condo common area as personal living space, more about that in a couple of days) leaves very early in the morning, and has a habit of exiting the building down the back way, past the basement storage space, it seemed likely the culprit was him.
To test my theory, I placed a note saying "Ed-iot Foss opened this lock!" on both sides of the paper and placed it inside the lock's flap so that, when the flap was opened, the paper would fall to the floor and unfold.
When I looked in the storage space this evening, the lock's flap was open, and the paper was...missing!
If it wasn't Eddie, I believe whoever it was would've left the paper on the ground where it fell. Why would they have cared what it said, if they weren't the person named on the paper?

In other news: New total for Fox Management Group's unpaid bill: $83.67

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