Monday, September 29, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space (6) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#26 & #27)

At the May 2007 Board meeting (after my discovery of the Secret Apartment), I asked Mara Fox about who was using the '58 basement common area. I was told Edward Vincent Foss rented it.
I requested copies of the rent receipts and lease.
Then-Treasurer Carol Krengelis was extremely hesitant to provide the info, demanding to know why it was wanted. Once she was told, she refused to provide the info at all. (Fox, surprisingly, provided the material in record time when asked)
The "rent" listed is only $10 per month, and hasn't changed from 2002 to 2008! Todd Stroger doesn't have that good a deal!

Interestingly, the invoice says the space is leased for "storage"!
Storage? Storage of what?
It's obviously being used as a living/work space, a violation of the stated purpose according to Fox Management Group's own records, and, I believe, a violation of Chicago's Condo & Building Codes!
Plus, Mara Feldman-Fox is well aware of the useage, having been shown the pix you've seen on this blog at several meetings! So much for "plausible deniability", eh?

In the Fox Management records the only "lease" on file is a document which states..."I Edward V. Foss agree to rent the front room with the glass block window in the '58 building basement for a fee of $10 per month, made payable to Claremont Condominium Association. I have the approval of the other Board members and will lease the space so long as it does not interfere with the interests of the Claremont Condominium Association."
The document is undated and unsigned by Eddie Foss (as the leasee) or any of the Board members.
Why didn't the Board members (one of whom was a lawyer) sign it? Could it be they knew it was not valid?

We interrupt this narrative again for more mundane matters; Monday's total for Fox Management Group's unpaid bill...$100.07. (they broke the $100 barrier only one day later than I predicted!) Tuesday's (today's) total is $101.07!

Tomorrow: Fox Management Group to me: "You have the right to remain silent! We suggest you exercise it!" (it's a paraphrase, but not far off from the actual letter...)

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