Sunday, September 21, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#21)

In early May, 2007, I passed by the normally-locked and inaccessible Boiler Room and noticed a plumber working on the Boiler. We chatted and he told me the total heating system for both buildings was in this small room! Wondering what took up the rest of the common area/basement space residents and owners had no access to, I saw, to the left, an unlocked door with no warning signage (above), so I went thru it.

Once I entered the room beyond the boiler room, I saw a kitchen area and yet another, empty, room with no windows. Foolishly, I didn't take a picture of the room at the time because it was empty. I did notice there was a big hole in the ceiling of the empty room. I did not know at the time it was water damage from a leak (which occurred in 2004) for which condo association money had been allocated, but the damage had obviously had not been fixed! So why was the money paid out? Note: this photo is from the kitchen area facing the boiler room door.

To my right, light streamed thru yet another room's glass block window. I followed the light...

On a more mundane matter; Monday's total for Fox Management Group's unpaid bill...$95.22.

Tomorrow...down the rabbit hole...

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