Monday, December 15, 2008

The ED-iot Strikes (#16 & 17) & Fox Management Group (#77)

The ED-iot struck again, before 8 am on Sunday morning and 7am on Monday morning, both times just as Eddie Foss was in the hallway.
Interpret as you will!

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$168.13, from an original $75!
Will they top $200 before the end of the year? Probably not.
I don't count weekends or holidays. So Christmas is a no-bill day. However, I do count Christmas Eve and Boxing Day after, which is a Friday...
I'm undecided as to what to do at year's end; take it as a write-off loss on my taxes, sic the Better Business Bureau-suggested collection agency on Mara, or...both? Hmmm...

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