Monday, December 22, 2008

The ED-iot Strikes (#21,22 & 23) & Fox Management Group (#82)

The ED-iot struck thrice, Saturday and Sunday morning, then Monday between 1-2pm.
After stealing 23 posters, you would think even an ED-iot would have the brains to realize his tactics are ineffective...
Nonetheless, he has a surprise waiting if he tries to remove any more of them...

Mail has come and we're still waiting on the assessment bill for January, 2009, with the 5% increase the Board voted to impose so their buddy, art therapist Eddie Foss, could retain his $10 a month basement living space instead of renting it to us for $150 a month (an income increase of over 1,400%)...
I believe Mara Fox is using the same tactic as the credit card companies, sending the invoice late so that payment is received late, thus allowing her to impose a late charge.
(Plus, I think it likely that the invoices are arriving late so as to prevent people from noticing that the assessments have gone, up until after Christmas, at which point, the billpayers will be so frantic to get bills paid they won't even notice the increase!)
Of course, we send payment via Priority Mail (with Delivery Confirmation) before the 1st of the month, whether we receive an invoice or not. (The postage is tax-deductable.)
For the record, Mara Feldman-Fox tried this trick on us once before, and had to retract the late fee and apologize since we had documentation of on-time payment!
She won't get away with it, with us at any rate!

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$176.70, from an original $75!
I'm undecided as to what to do at year's end; take it as a write-off loss on my taxes, sic the Better Business Bureau-suggested collection agency on Mara, or...both? Hmmm...

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