Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Board Meeting & Fox Management Group Owes OVER $1,200! (#274)

There's a Board meeting tonite and the e-mails are flying...
Today, Part 1
To graciously accommodate Mara Feldman-Fox's special needs, we will break the Addendum into three sections...
Section 1: Needed repairs to the exterior of '60.
The leakage into Eddie Foss' $10 a month basement living space at '58 is not a unique situation.
Numerous cracks in the exterior masonry of '60 at ground level (and most probably below, as in the case of '58) are obvious and evident.
The visually-obvious breaks in the foundation are large enough to allow either water or insects (or both) access to basement areas including M's condo.
In addition, the exterior window casings are also obviously in need of repair or replacement.

Curiously, Board Member / art therapist Eddie Foss, who was literally eye-to-eye with these breaks in the masonry due to his attempts at gardening, has failed to note or report the damage! (At least there's been nothing about it in the Minutes, which are the official legal record for the Condo...)
How he failed to note or report these obvious structural defects only inches away from his face is a mystery attributable, I believe, to three possible causes.
a) Blindness.
b) Inability to perceive his surroundings and mentally process visual information in a logical fashion.
c) Deliberate dereliction of duty as a Board member.
Since he still has a valid driver's license, I think blindness can be ruled out.

Since the defects have not been repaired, it was necessary for me to lay down commercially-available anti-insect treatments to prevent access by the pavement ants who inhabit the garden and sidewalk area.
(The ants had, in fact, made entrances thru the foundation each Spring over the past few years. I had mentioned this at previous Board meetings, but was ignored.)

And, odds are that similar below-ground level leakage problems to the ones in Eddie's $10-a-month '58 basement living space probably exist in the foundations of '60 as well.
Until actually disproved by digging or ground sonar/concrete x-raying, only a total idiot would think otherwise.

At any rate, note is being made of this matter to the Board and it's servant via this e-mail, and a hardcopy of this document plus additional photos will be delivered to the Department of Buildings for the county by hand along with photos of the repair work done for Eddie's $10-a-month '58 living space.

As it is now, legally, a pre-existing condition, any damage to M's unit attributable to this uncorrected matter "outside our drywall" as they say, and reported after this date is your responsibility.
But, getting repairs done shouldn't be a problem, considering the way you recently handled a similar matter where Eddie's $10 a month '58 basement living space was concerned.
That, by the way, segues into Section 2...(clever, eh?)

Mara quickly responded...
Dear B,
As you have serious concerns regarding the structure of the building, I believe it is imperative that you attend tonight's meeting.
I will pass this information on to the Board of Directors for review and consideration.
Mara Fox

I retorted...
Dear Mara:
I'd be happy to, if it were accessible.
Since M is currently suffering from joint pain and can barely walk, and I from periodic bouts of gout, neither of us can easily reach the over-a-mile distant meeting place in an unsafe neighborhood, since neither of us drives and the bus at that time of night is sporadic, at best.
Plus, why would you WANT someone who, according to Eddie and you; "...knowingly and persistently put the entire association at risk." at the meeting?
Sounds like you don't believe what you wrote.

And, you don't have to "pass it on", kiddo.
They've already received it. ;-)

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over a year ago, now!)...$1,227.30, from an original $75!
They've broken the $1,200 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $12, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $60+ a week!
It's over 270 (two hundred seventy) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 15 times the original bill...
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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