Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stolen Property? (7) & Fox Management Group Owes OVER $1,900! (#321)

I e-mailed Fox & the Board...
Since the ladder is still "missing" (ie: stolen), I have no choice but to file a police report.

As mentioned earlier, I'll provide the police with a hardcopy set of the correspondence on this matter along with my suspicions as to the thief's identity and Mara's refusal to name him (despite being asked point-blank).

Plus: links to the FaceBook pages of involved parties, conveniently filled with info and photos
(The icon of Eddie is amazing! He's actually smiling! But that shirt...tacky!)
Curious that Mara and Eddie haven't "friended" each other, at least at last check...

Keeping an eye on things, since you obviously don't...

On Tuesday morning the ladder reappeared...
My next e-mail tells the sordid tale...
When the ladder "mysteriously" reappeared on Tuesday, albeit chained to a post in the basement of '60, I decided to hold off filing the report.

As of Wednesday evening, the EDiot who stole it in the first place has apparently stolen it again.

However, now I have photos of the ladder (attached) for both the police and my "milk-carton" style poster for the doors.

And, since the ladder has disappeared again, there's no reason not to file a police report.
Good work, EDiot!

PS: Setting a FaceBook profile to "private" doesn't work if you've already "friended" someone.
Happy Hunting!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over a year ago, now!)...$1,958.89 from an original $75!
They've broken the $1,900 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $19, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $95+ a week! That's more than the amount they originally owed!
It's over 300 (THREE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 20 times the original bill...
And they'll be over $2,000 by the end of the year!
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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