Monday, March 29, 2010

Board Elections (3), Krazy Krengelis (8) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $4,000! (#395)

Several days ago, M solicted info regarding running for the upcoming elections.
Mara responded...
If you are interested in adding your name to the ballot, I will send out new notices. There will be a change to the meeting location - so this can be included with the same mailing.  Please complete the attached form and return as soon as possible.

M responded...

Will the new location be on-site, or at least closer to the condo itself?
The present location is inaccessible to me due to cutbacks in the schedule of the bus after 7pm.
As you know, neither B nor I drive, I've had knee surgery (limiting how far I can walk comfortably), and B will require surgery before autumn.

Received the form.
Will be happy to it fill out and return with your assurances that
1) There will be no censoring or editing of my submitted material in it's retransmission to the voters.
2) I will receive the addresses of all off-site owner-voters, so I can communicate my campaign message directly to them.
They're entitled to see the same information the resident owner-voters will see, via the campaign flyer and brochure B will be producing. (He's also considering pin-back campaign buttons. You know how he gets carried away with such things.)
I note you didn't address the question I asked about this particular matter (it was the primary question in my initial e-mail).

And a couple of questions regarding the "votes proxied to the Board of Directors":
How are the proxied votes to be allocated? (Equally among the existing Board members? Given to one who "needs" them to stay in office?)
When will the "proxied to the Board" votes be counted? At the beginning? The end?
And, who on the Board decides who gets which votes?
Forgive my ignorance of this particular practice, it's just that neither I, nor others I know who live in condos, have heard of such a practice, nor this "three votes" per unit procedure. (It's usually one
vote per unit, or "weighted" according to assessment amount, in which case there would be five levels of voting power from one to five votes per unit depending on the five levels of assessment.)

If you can't (or won't) answer all the questions, please do not put my name on the ballot.
I can try again in 2012.
No response, yet.

Had an interesting confrontation with business analyst / Board member Carol J Krengelis last nite.
But, I'll let the email I sent afterward explain...


Just curious as to why you just publicly claimed I'm "vandalizing" your bicycle and that I "hate" Board members?

What, exactly, is the "vandalism" you claim has been done?
If there is "vandalism", why haven't you filed a police report?
Do you even known what the definition of "vandalism" is? (We know Eddie doesn't, but I expected better of you.)
And, if there is "vandalism", what makes you think I did it?

Please, I beg you, present your evidence!

Plus, what makes you think I "hate" Board members?

Make your case, kid!
Here's your chance!

Awaiting an intelligent response,
Still no response! (Are you surprised?)

In other news...
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost two years ago!)...$4,089.32 from an original $75!
They've broken the $4,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $40, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $200+ a week! That's almost triple the amount they originally owed!
It's almost 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is almost 53 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)
Personally, I think she's a terrible role model for her kids, demonstrating financial irresponsibility (not to mention arrogant stupidity) as being a good thing!

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