Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Board Elections (4), Krazy Krengelis (9) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $4,100! (#396)

Continuing the saga of the Board election from yesterday...
Mara e-mailed...
To address your issues as requested:
1.  There is no editing of the candidacy form.  That and the proxy is what will be mailed to all the unit owners (offsite included).
2.  The mailing is completed by our office.  I will not be sending you a listing of offsite owners' addresses.  Please submit the information to our office and it will be mailed along with the other candidacy forms.
3.  Proxies are voted based on how the form is completed.  Unit owners that complete a proxy and mail to our address have the right if they choose to vote for the candidates on the proxy or write in their own candidate.  The unit owner may also choose to have another unit vote their proxy.  It may be a board member - however it could be another unit owner.  If the proxy is made out to a board member - any one of the current board members may vote based on how they want to.
4.  All votes are based on percentage of ownership of the unit as determined in the declaration.
5.  Each unit receives up to 3 votes, as there are 3 positions available.  Cumulative voting is permitted.
A unit owner may take all 3 votes and vote for 1 candidate, 2 votes for 1 candidate and 1 vote for a 2nd candidate or vote 1 vote for 3 candidates.  Each ballot or proxy must equal at most 3 votes.
6.  Proxy votes are tabulated along with ballots completed and collected at the meeting.  Any unit owner may audit the tabulation process.
7.  The meeting is scheduled to be held at the library.  I apologize for the inconvenience.  You may want to ask a neighbor if they would be willing to give you a ride.  In the future, you can volunteer to host the meeting.  That way it would be onsite and convenient for you.

I believe I have addressed all your questions and concerns, if not please forward another e-mail.  If you still would like to be considered please forward your candidacy form and any other documents you would like mailed to all the unit owners.
M responded...

I'm afraid the conditions you stipulate are unacceptable, as they give an unfair advantage to the Board members in presenting information to the voters, particularly the off-site ones whose addresses the Board members have access to, but I do not, even though I'm legally entitled to that information for exactly this purpose.

Plus, you really haven't explained how the votes proxied to the Board (as a whole, not individuals) will be counted and/or allocated, and who on the Board will do it.
Your claim that "All votes are based on percentage of ownership of the unit as determined in the declaration." is inaccurate, as all units have three votes, regardless of their percentage of ownership.
Just because there are three slots available is no reason for "three votes per unit", especially since no one is running for a particular position.
One vote per unit or a weighted rate of 1-5 (since there are five levels of assessment) would be logical, and certainly less confusing.
Of course, looking over the assessments, the present Board members would have lower voting levels than most units due to their lower assessments.
Perhaps that's why it's not done that way.

You say "You may want to ask a neighbor if they would be willing to give you a ride."
Except for Board members (and I doubt any of them would want B in their car.), no one attends the meetings!
Again, you say "In the future, you can volunteer to host the meeting.

That way it would be onsite and convenient for you."
Why don't the present Board members host the meetings?
Previous Board members (Tara and Judy, specifically) had no problem doing so.
Yet none of the present Board members, who own two-bedroom units, are willing to do so.
We're in a one-bedroom unit, so if two-bedroom occupants couldn't find room to host, we certainly couldn't!

At any rate, I'll have to pass...again.
Perhaps in 2012, you could begin the process in February rather than waiting until the last minute?
That way all this could be resolved without the tight deadline.

I guess we'll see in two years...
We will, of course post the "election" results...

Had an interesting confrontation with business analyst / Board member Carol J Krengelis last nite.
But, I'll let the email I sent afterward explain...


Just curious as to why you just publicly claimed I'm "vandalizing" your bicycle and that I "hate" Board members?

What, exactly, is the "vandalism" you claim has been done?
If there is "vandalism", why haven't you filed a police report?
Do you even known what the definition of "vandalism" is? (We know Eddie doesn't, but I expected better of you.)
And, if there is "vandalism", what makes you think I did it?

Please, I beg you, present your evidence!

Plus, what makes you think I "hate" Board members?

Make your case, kid!
Here's your chance!

Awaiting an intelligent response,
Still no response! (Are you surprised?)

In other news...
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost two years ago!)...$4,130.21 from an original $75!
They've broken the $4,100 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $41, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $205+ a week! That's almost triple the amount they originally owed!
It's almost 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is almost 53 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)
Personally, I think she's a terrible role model for her kids, demonstrating financial irresponsibility (not to mention arrogant stupidity) as being a good thing!

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