Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Board Elections (5), Krazy Krengelis (10) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $4,100! (#397)

Continuing from yesterday, M e-mailed...

You stated:
"I am sorry that you feel the conditions of mailing completed candidate forms for all candidates to all unit owners is unfair.
This is standard procedures that many Associations utilize."

Then why does Mark Pearlstein point out this item from the Illinois Condo Code in his Tribune "Condo Advisor" column in relation to candidate communications in Board elections?
(note the last line in particular...)
605/18.2  Administration of Property Prior to Election of Initial Board of Managers
(b) (i) ...shall provide to any unit owner within 3 working days of the request, the names, addresses, and weighted vote of each unit owner entitled to vote at such meeting.
Any unit owner shall be PROVIDED WITH THE SAME INFORMATION within 10 days of receipt of the request, with respect to each SUBSEQUENT meeting to elect members of the Board of Managers. (CAPS are my emphasis, not Mark's.)
(The April 14th, 2010 meeting is a "subsequent meeting to elect members of the Board of Managers".)

You stated...
"The Board members are not required to host meetings."
"As we generally, meet in the living room or dining room of a unit, the fact that a unit owner may have one or two bedrooms is inconsequential."

True, but under the law, the meetings have to be accessible to all unit owners.
Right now, they are not.
Previous board members (Tara and Judy) were gracious enough to make the meetings convenient to all by utilizing their units.
Why don't the current Board members?
Is there a problem?

Unfortunately, for this election, it's a moot issue.
There are too many apparent irregularities to make my participation as a candidate viable.
I cannot allow myself to appear to condone actions I believe violate either the spirit or letter of the Condo Code.
If you follow the rules of the Illinois Condo Code in the 2012 election, I'll be happy to run.

See you in two years.

PS: When will we finally see the overdue 2009 Common Expenses and Year-End Report?

Mara responded...
Dear M:

As you feel that there are a couple of items that have not been addressed to your satisfaction:

1.  Attached is a listing of unit owners, the unit address and the respective percentage of ownership that is used to calculate the election votes.

2.  As to the location of the meeting, you ask "Why don't the current Board members? Is there a problem?"  I will ask a similar question, Why don't the current unit owners volunteer to host a meeting? Is there a problem?
In the spirit of making it convenient for you to attend the meeting at the library, I will gladly offer to pick you up.  I unfortunately, have a small car so there would only be room for you.  Please let me know if you are interested in a ride.

Mara Fox

You'll note that Mara answered the question about the Board Member's hosting the meeting with another question.
It's an old debaters' trick to put the original questioner on the defensive (not to mention not answering the question).
Doesn't work with either of us. (We're both old debaters!)
She also didn't answer the question about the long-overdue 2009 Common Expenses & Year-End Report! (It's the end of March, 2010 for chrissakes!)
However, she did send a list of owners' addresses, after stating she wouldn't.

More tomorrow!

Had an interesting confrontation with business analyst / Board member Carol J Krengelis last nite.
But, I'll let the email I sent afterward explain...


Just curious as to why you just publicly claimed I'm "vandalizing" your bicycle and that I "hate" Board members?

What, exactly, is the "vandalism" you claim has been done?
If there is "vandalism", why haven't you filed a police report?
Do you even known what the definition of "vandalism" is? (We know Eddie doesn't, but I expected better of you.)
And, if there is "vandalism", what makes you think I did it?

Please, I beg you, present your evidence!

Plus, what makes you think I "hate" Board members?

Make your case, kid!
Here's your chance!

Awaiting an intelligent response,
Still no response! (Are you surprised?)

In other news...
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost two years ago!)...$4,171.51 from an original $75!
They've broken the $4,100 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $41, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $205+ a week! That's almost triple the amount they originally owed!
It's almost 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is almost 53 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)
Personally, I think she's a terrible role model for her kids, demonstrating financial irresponsibility (not to mention arrogant stupidity) as being a good thing!

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