Monday, August 23, 2010

The August 9th Minutes & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $11,000! (#497)

We received the assessment only a day late this month, but the big surprise was that the Minutes from the August 9th Board meeting were included!

I immediately responded...
Though perhaps the fastest-produced Minutes in Claremont history, they're still as full of inaccuracies and grammatical errors as ever. (Ironically, written by a guy [Eddie Foss] who claims to have an MA!)
Since I don't have time to graciously accommodate Mara Feldman Fox's special needs, the whole thing will be in one shot...

In posted order...
1) No listing of attendees!
Curious, especially since one Board member missed the last meeting and another is currently renovating her unit (for possible sale?)
Make you wonder who actually was there, or if they're abandoning a sinking ship...
2) Why do "inner entrance doors" need repair?
If anything, "outer" entrance doors need work! The inner ones are fine! Priorities, kiddies, priorities!
3) Entranceway carpets...if anyone sees a sale tell BOD.
Ignoring the grammatical screw up, business analyst Carol Krengelis is a Warehouse Club member. Good prices on carpets.
(And on air conditioners, too, since both Eddie and Diego can't seem to afford to get them, even at ABT.  But somehow even C, who's been lis pendens, and always in arrears managed to buy one!)
4) "East & SouthEast exposure of the building's facade will be done this year."
Pleased to hear it, except we have no "southeast" facade (Which would be at a 45 degree angle to the south and east facades)!
We have two east facades and two south facades.
Which are you talking about?
In English, as in most things, precision is everything. Something an MA should be well aware of!
5) "The '58 basement took in water twice during the rainstorms during the last week of July first week of August."
I check both laundry rooms daily.
Didn't see anything beyond the usual minor seepage from floor cracks. Hardly a case of "took in water"!
If you're referring to Eddie's '58 $10-a-month living space, it's impossible, since over $5,000 was spent on his behalf after last year's flooding!
How could work done less than a year ago be that faulty?
If anything, any work done to correct it should be free!
There has to be at least a year's warranty on the work!
6) "Someone is leaving the basement door open and unattended."
Which basement door? Both of them?
We know that a '58 resident is leaving the '60 laundry open every Sunday, and Eddie Foss is well aware of who it is!
Come to think of it, art therapist Eddie Foss' been using the '58 laundry room.
Is he leaving that door open?
7) "Vandalism continues."
Really? "Vandalism"?
Are there any police reports/complaints or any insurance claims or listings/photos of damage to property?
If there are none, there is no "Vandalism" under both criminal law and the dictionary definition of the word.
7a) "Littering"?
Besides the occasional dryer sheet on the floor, I haven't seen any "littering".
What have you seen?
8) "There is a large entertainment center and an old broken bike inside the doorway of the '58 basement"
The reason the bike is broken is because some EDiot jammed the entertainment center into a too-small space!
When you find out who owns the center, please let me know, since he/she/it is liable for repairs to the bike.
9) "Delinquencies (plural) were discussed..."
Wonder how many Board members are among the current multiple delinquencies? (Two have previous delinquencies.)
10) Next board meeting...Albany Park branch of the CPL.
Beyond not being near public transportation, the meeting is slowly moving west toward 1820 Clifton Ave.
Why not just hold it there and drop the pretense of following the law? (which you screwed up with your failure to post change of date for the August meeting in a timely manner, anyway)

Keep in mind this is not a request for information.
We're simply providing information and observations to you and offering you the chance, by your own choice, to respond.
You can, of course, decline to respond.
However, if no response is received by end of business on Monday, August 23rd, we'll post and print the annotated Minutes on Tuesday, August 24th with the note that you received the information and accept all statements above as accurate.
Simply writing "no comment" or "this is not accurate" without verifiable data will be construed as "no response".
You ain't Blagojevich, though you're desperately trying some of the same tricks.
And, I check everything.
Like professional organizations Mara currently claims membership in, despite not paying dues to them since 1999!
Or Carol using a phone number from her old job as "contact info" on her 2010 election form, despite the fact she was downsized over a year ago (Her old number is now Tech Support).
Or Eddie, the only on-site person with a key to the Boiler Room, not listing ANY contact info on his 2010 election form! (And we all know what that cost the Condo Association in March!)
Y'know, things like that!

I'm watching you.
And logging everything.
39 years of this to go...
PS: Fox Management now owes me over $11,000 (You read that right) for their two-year overdue bill.
I hope you're better with library books.
Tomorrow: THE RESPONSE (if any)!

In other news...
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (two years ago!)...$11,232.85 from an original $75!

They've broken the $11,000 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $110, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $550+ a week! That's more than sextuple the amount they originally owed!
It's ALMOST 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 148 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)
Personally, I think she's a terrible role model for her kids, demonstrating financial irresponsibility (not to mention arrogant stupidity) as being a good thing!

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