Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ant Infestation & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $79,000! (#694-695)

As we had mentioned HERE, there was a problem developing with an insect infestation.
We followed-up with an email to Fox Management Group on June 1st...
Having established on May 9th, 2011 that a previously-existing (from last year) hazardous condition was re-developing, we suggested a course of action (see above) that would be cost effective (remember the adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.") and any intelligent person would pursue.

Yet, Mara Feldman-Fox has, as of June 1st, 2011, done...nothing.
Fox Management Group has been extremely lucky, in that a combination of wet and cool weather has limited the ants' activities, but that fortunate circumstance is about to end as temperatures soar and remain high for a months-long period.

And please don't tell us you've had an exterminator out here.
1) The amazing amount of anthills in the front areas indicates either a) no exterminator has been here or b) the exterminator you engaged was totally-incompetent.
2) I didn't see or hear anyone, and, as Eddie can tell you (from the way I observed him letting workmen in last week), I know when someone's here.  Being at ground level enables me to know when anyone comes or goes thru any of the gates or is on the front lawn.
Working from home has it's advantages...

Since Mara has thus far failed in her responsibilities as Property Manager, we brought both T and O on-site and received estimates for damage control (their words) due to Fox's negligence.
Upon first encroachment, we will call both companies to schedule emergency treatment and say "Whoever gets here first, gets the gig", let them do their job, and bill it to Fox Management Group, as the legally-liable party vis-a-vis maintenance and upkeep (including pest extermination) of the Claremont Condo property.
We will then bring Fox Management up on charges of dereliction of duty before the new Department of Financial and Professional Regulation board handling suspension or revocation of Property Manager licensing due to unprofessional behavior.
After that, filing with the Better Business Bureau with all the evidence presented to the ISoFaPR.
And after that...

Of course, you can avoid all this by sending the gentleman who does your own extermination work, was here on-site on 4/5/10 (and did a spectacular job), and also had worked on your home/office at 1820 Clifton Avenue.
Not the cheaper, and ill-equipped fellow with a backpack-tank you usually send in the autumn to do a quick spritz around the units.
I do trust I'm being specific enough.

I suggest you get moving.
Time is now of the essence.
It wouldn't be if you had acted last month, when you were notified of the pre-existing problem...
As of June 5th, there has been no response or action from Fox Management Group.

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost three years ago!)...$78,913.10 from an original $75!
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost three years ago!)...$79,702.23 from an original $75! 
They've broken the $79,000 level! Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $790, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $3950+ a week! That's over fifty times the amount they originally owed!
It's over 690 (SIX HUNDRED NINETY) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 940 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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