Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space (7) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#28)

Interesting notes: The silver-gray SUV with "Fox-XX" (numbers redacted, but between 50-75) was back Tuesday night for a couple of hours, then left. Fox couldn't just slip the check under the door?
Thus: Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$102.08.

Back to our narrative...
I said yesterday: Fox Management Group to me: "You have the right to remain silent! We suggest you exercise it!" (it's a paraphrase, but not far off from the actual letter...)

What the letter to my wife (who is the owner of our unit) actually said...
"Please be advised that under, Mr. B has no voice in issues regarding running the association. He is not an owner, but a resident of the property. We have requested a legal opinion regarding the rights of non-owners at an association and were told, that non-unit owner residents do not have the same rights as a unit owner... M, based on this information, Mr. B will not be able to address the board in the future. All communication with the board, either verbally, by letter or by email must be discontinued immediately. Any future violations or harassment may result in fines on your account." (My emphasis)

A standard tactic of a dictatorship is to instill fear of retribution to any who speak out against it.
Mara Feldman-Fox and the Board (Carol Krengelis, Judith Lea Marrs, & Eddie Foss) thus decided to abridge the First Amendment of the Constitution by forbidding me to even say "Hi" if we passed in the hallways!
(At this point in time, a Board member's parent had just died, and, under the notice, I was forbidden to even offer my condolences to her, lest I be fined for verbal communication!)

Curiously, Eddie Foss showed up at my front door shortly after we received this notice (by certified mail) demanding to know how I acquired my information. I simply told him, "you have a gag order on me, thus I can't talk to you!" and slammed the door in his face.

To avoid a bogus fine, M & I simply filed a proxy to permit me to speak as her representative at Board meetings. It was easier to go thru the formality than trying to argue logic with these people which, as you can see, is futile.)

One additional note: when I contacted the Better Business Bureau about how the Board & Fox Management Group had failed to correct a potentially-dangerous issue, Mara, in her response, told the BBB that I had no right to speak for M, even though Mara Fox herself had (unwillingly, no doubt, but legally-obliged) helped M craft the proxy letter.
In addition, she told the BBB that she "encouraged" my participation at Board meetings! (Sending the BBB a pdf of the gag order letter corrected that misrepresentation quickly enough!)

More fun tomorrow!

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