Monday, November 24, 2008

The ED-iot Strikes & Fox Management Group (#63)

As you remember, I posted on Friday...
I took an excerpt from the (Board Minutes) sheet and "translated" it for a poster which I placed on our unit's front & back doors.
What they said...
“The Board reviewed the proposal submitted by A&B
requesting to dismiss the current renter of the '58 storage areas (sic) and rent to A&B at a higher rent .
The Board has not had any problems with the current renter, so the decision was made not to change the current situation at this time.”
What they meant...
Our friend, Board Member Eddie Foss, currently rents the over-200 square-foot room (behind the mailboxes of '58) for $10 a month as a living/work space.
Instead of renting it as storage space for $150 a month (15 times the present rent) to A&B, we will raise the assessments of EVERYONE by 5%. (which works out to less than or barely equal $150 per month!)

Well, some Ed-iot has taken down the posters from our front door not once, not twice, but three times in three days! (The only reason the Ed-iot hasn't taken down the back-door posters is that they're behind a locked storm door!)
Besides being an inconvenience, it's a criminal misdemeanor (vandalism) under local law!
Who do I think did it?
Personally, I suspect the Ed-iot named on the posters!
1) The timing of the posters' disappearances coincides within 15 minutes of his comings and goings at times when no one else in the building would be around! (Edward Vincent Foss works as an art therapist early morning to mid-afternoon. The posters disappear before 6:15 am and between 2:30-4 pm in the afternoon.)
2) No one else even cares what's on the posters except the Ed-iot named! (and since the information written on them is true, the Ed-iot can't get a court order to remove them on the basis of libel!)
Luckily, we have plenty of paper and toner!
I'll keep you appraised...

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$145.98 from an original $75! It'll be double the original amount right after Thanksgiving (a holiday, and not billable)

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