Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Unknown Man (#2) & Fox Management Group (#54 & 55)

He glared at me. I glared back.
Seeing I wasn't backing down, he growled, "Well?" I responded, "You tell me."
After exchanging those pleasantries, he grunted something about "I belong here!" which in his feeble mind was supposed to persuade me not to observe him lurking around.
I didn't move.
(All this time I was at least 15-20 feet away from him and made no hostile movements or gestures.)
He reached into his pocket, pulled out a cellphone and dialed.
When he reached his party, he commented that he was being observed, that he had identified himself (which he hadn't) and then described me to the other person.
You could hear the scream emanating from his phone from where I was standing.
He lurched over to me, grunted "She wants to talk to you." and handed me the phone.
As I expected, it was Mara Feldman-Fox.
She screeched something about my "interfering" with the man, even though he hadn't begin working, since his client (Either Carol Krengelis or Ana Garcia) had not arrived home as of yet!
She then told me to leave since the man billed by the hour. I asked what that had to do with me and she said he (Unidentified Man) would bill "extra time" which she (Mara Fox) would then "pass on" to my wife as a punitive measure against me.
I took this to mean that Mara, the still-unidentified man, or both would falsify their billings and file a false bill against my wife!
Faced with unethical threats, I made sure my doors were locked and went shopping...
More tomorrow!

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$133.49 from an original $75!
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$134.82 from an original $75!
(Tuesday was Veterans' Day, a legal holiday. Billing is suspended on weekends and holidays)

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