Friday, November 7, 2008

The Unknown Man & Fox Management Group (#53)

On the afternoon of Tuesday, Nov. 4th, I noticed an unfamiliar man sitting in an unmarked car in front of our condo, watching our building for over an hour.
As a New Yorker, I had three thoughts.
1) Policeman observing criminal activity.
2) Burglar casing the place for criminal activity.
3) Friend or relative waiting for someone. (admittedly a long-shot)
I walked up and enquired politely as to whether he was in distress and needed assistance. He said "no", got out of his car, went up to the gate, rang the bell of a unit owner I knew to be at work at the time, pulled out an enormous keychain , opened the gate, and went thru to the entrance of '58, when he used the key to go in.
As a precaution, I immediately took my trusty digital camera (which I always carry) and photographed his car & license plate from various angles. Thus, if anything did happen, I'd have a record of his presence that could be traced. I noticed an assortment of tools in his front seat including wire cutters, pliers, and other potential burglar tools.
He came back out and stood at the inside of the front gate. I took up position about 15-20 feet behind him. He did not speak, nor did I.
He then shifted his position, moving to the gate on the other side. I followed to a position 20-30 feet from him.
He glared at me. I glared back.
Seeing I wasn't backing down, he growled, "Well?" I responded, "You tell me."
Monday: the Confrontation, and threats by Mara Feldman-Fox!

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$130.86 from an original $75!
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$132.17 from an original $75!

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