Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Back to the BBB (5), The ED-iot Strikes (#0ck) & Fox Management Group (#178)

Re: the BBB complaint...
We submitted our rebuttal on 4/25/09, requesting that the BBB not render a decision until around May 20th, when the long-delayed 2008 Common Expenses report was promised to be delivered by Mara Feldman-Fox. Obviously, we wanted to see if Mara would deliver.
On 5/1/09, the rebuttal was sent by the BBB to Fox Management Group. It was stated on the website that Fox had until 5/11/09 to respond to the rebuttal.
All fine and well.
On 5/5/09, the case was suddenly listed as "Bureau judged complaint resolved"!
There had been no posted response from Fox.
There had been no indication of any communication (on the record, at any rate) between Fox and the BBB!
Yet, the BBB didn't even wait until 5/11/09, the period they stated Fox had to post their response (much less 5/20/09, which we requested), to make a decision!
Makes you wonder if Mara Fox, knowing she was losing, did something "under the table"...

We contacted the BBB's Nicole Tooks, who had sent us the notification.
As of this date, she has not responded.

Tomorrow: Another unexpected twist!

In other news...
I believe the ED-iot is becoming desperate.
The fact that he's been unable to remove the posters has generated buzz within the condo that claims by the Board about my being wrong might not be true!
Add to that, with Spring arriving, several unit owners are putting their homes up for sale, and they'll have to explain my signs (which are at ground level, and thus the first things you see when you enter in front or back) to any prospective buyers.
More as it develops...
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008...$468.22, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $4, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $20+ a week!

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