Friday, May 29, 2009

Roland Burris = Eddie Foss? The ED-iot Strikes (#0cv) & Fox Management Group (#189)

Is Board Member Eddie Foss another Roland Burris?
Well, Burris' defense is basically "Well, you didn't ask me that, so I didn't tell you about it!"
Honest people call that "lying by omission".
Does art therapist Edward Foss do that?
Judge for yourself...

In the most recent Board meeting minutes, Eddie (as secretary) writes...
"VII. Foundation leaks-Mara to talk to Mark about doing preliminary work-Carol to talk to Neighbors for approval."
What he doesn't tell us is...
The only foundation section butting against a neighbor's property (and thus accessible via a neighbor's property) is the foundation under Eddie's $10 a month living space in the basement of '58!
Any other location in the foundation is accessible on our own property!
So, we're to spend hundreds, if not a thousand dollars or so, to keep Eddie Foss' space dry, a 200-square foot space that he pays only $10 a month for!
(And whether the $10 a month is funneled back to him via other means, thus making the space FREE, is another question! Note that the Misc. Income is $120 a year, exactly the amount Eddie "pays".
Plus, the Misc. Expenses are EXACTLY $120 a year!
$120 = $120!
Money In equals (exactly) Money Out!
AND, curiously, for the FIRST time, we weren't provided with the spreadsheet showing who the checks were written to!
Coincidence? What do YOU think)

In the same minutes we have...
X. An owner has made us aware that there may be a crack in a window frame on the exterior of the building. This will need follow up-Mara to contact Paul or Mark.
Curiously, the front window of Eddie's $10 a month living space is leaking!
Note that the "owner" and the window's location in the building are (curiously) missing...
Interpret as you will...

In the usual news...
I believe the ED-iot is becoming desperate.
The fact that he's been unable to remove the posters has generated buzz within the condo that claims by the Board about my being wrong might not be true!
Add to that, with Spring arriving, several unit owners are putting their homes up for sale, and they'll have to explain my signs (which are at ground level, and thus the first things you see when you enter in front or back) to any prospective buyers.
More as it develops...
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008...$522.36, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $5, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $25+ a week!

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