Friday, May 1, 2009

Eddie SCREAMS! The ED-iot Strikes (#0cc) & Fox Management Group (#170)

I believe the ED-iot is becoming desperate.
The fact that he's been unable to remove the posters has generated buzz within the condo that claims by the Board about my being wrong might not be true!
Add to that, with Spring arriving, several unit owners are putting their homes up for sale, and they'll have to explain my signs (which are at ground level, and thus the first things you see when you enter) to any prospective buyers.
More as it develops...
Yesterday, Eddie Foss SCREAMED at me on the street!
I was returning home from grocery shopping, cutting thru the alley behind the condo to get to the front door.
Eddie, who was heading out from the basement in the same direction, didn't see me until he exited thru the front gate and turned to lock it.
He saw me heading in the same direction..and locked the gate instead of leaving it open for me to exit thru.
Childish, but no big deal.
I simply opened the gate, exited, and locked it behind me.
(Mind you, I had not said a word to Foss!)
On the front sidewalk, right in front of me, Eddie began ranting things like "GET A LIFE!" and "YOU'RE SICK!" while heading for his blue Toyota, watching me as I headed for the condo's front door.
In return, I watched him, which seemed to unnerve him.
He got into his car, started it, and slowly headed down the block, constantly looking back to see if I was still watching him (which I was).
He was forced to face forward and achieve a normal rate of speed because another car came down the block behind him. I watched him in his car until he turned the corner.
IMHO, he's in need of therapy. (Ironically, he's an art therapist! I pity his clients.)
In relation to being the last person to break eye contact (which Eddie seems obsessed with), I found this blog entry from a substitute teacher with the following quote about controlling a person-to-person situation.
"...make direct eye contact. The last person to break eye contact wins."
That explains Eddie's freaking out when I kept an eye on him! He wanted to be the "last person"...and wasn't!
Extra: Here's an article that explains the meaning of being last to break eye contact!

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008...$432.41, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $4, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $20+ a week!

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