Thursday, April 1, 2010

Board Elections (6), Krazy Krengelis (11) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $4,200! (#398)

Continuing from yesterday...
Dear Mara:

1) What purpose does this list fill?
It does not answer my request for unit owner's addresses, and the information was part of the initial package of documents I received when I bought the unit.

2) I will ask, again, the initial question, which you've chosen not to answer; "Why don't the current Board members (host the meetings)? Is there a problem?"
Disturbingly, answering a question with a question indicates you have no reasonable answer. It's a high school-level debaters' stratagem.
Your statement "I unfortunately, have a small car so there would only be room for you." seems inaccurate, since no mother with several school-age children drives a two-seater.

You seem intent on proving B's portrayal of you as correct.
I thought he was exaggerating. Apparently, he wasn't.

Most disturbingly of all, you totally ignored the question "When will we finally see the overdue 2009 Common Expenses and Year-End Report?"

Regrettably, I guess the only way I'll get an answer to that one is to file yet another complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

At any rate, my decision stands.
I cannot, in good conscience, run for office.
Mara responded (at 6 in the morning...)
Dear M,

1.  The list has the names of current unit owners, addresses and respective %'s.
It is different from the list you received at purchase time as unit owners have changed.

2.  You will need to ask the Board members specifically why they do not want to host a meeting.
I can not answer that question for them.
Silly even to ask me why someone else would want or not want to do something.

3.  I do indeed have a small car.  Although I am not sure why I need to explain my choice of vehicles.
Also, the last time I counted, I do not have several children.
My offer to drive you to/from the meeting location is still on the table.
I have room for one, not two.

4.  The Board of Directors will be meeting, as you know.
At the next meeting they will approve the year end financial statement and then it will be mailed to the unit owners.
As you know, the Board only meets quarterly.
The year end final financial statement was not available for approval at the last meeting. 

Mara Fox
More tomorrow...
Had an interesting confrontation with business analyst / Board member Carol J Krengelis last nite.
But, I'll let the email I sent afterward explain...


Just curious as to why you just publicly claimed I'm "vandalizing" your bicycle and that I "hate" Board members?

What, exactly, is the "vandalism" you claim has been done?
If there is "vandalism", why haven't you filed a police report?
Do you even known what the definition of "vandalism" is? (We know Eddie doesn't, but I expected better of you.)
And, if there is "vandalism", what makes you think I did it?

Please, I beg you, present your evidence!

Plus, what makes you think I "hate" Board members?

Make your case, kid!
Here's your chance!

Awaiting an intelligent response,
Still no response! (Are you surprised?)

In other news...
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost two years ago!)...$4,213.22 from an original $75!
They've broken the $4,200 level!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $42, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $210+ a week! That's almost triple the amount they originally owed!
It's almost 400 (FOUR HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is almost 53 times the original bill...
Is that just pitiful, or what?
I hope for her sake that Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)
Personally, I think she's a terrible role model for her kids, demonstrating financial irresponsibility (not to mention arrogant stupidity) as being a good thing!

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