Friday, September 16, 2011

A Letter from Mara & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $165,000! (#769)

In response to questions posted in Mara Feldman-Fox's letter of 9/14/11...
Mara stated that her ledger didn't show any late payments from our unit dating back to the previous owners, so how could I make a claim she tried to charge us a late fee...
We have your printed statement from 2008 (inaccurately) claiming a late fee, as stated on invoice 1770. (you do have it, don't you?)
We also have your acknowledgement of inaccuracy...and your apology...on record.
Both M and I are professional archivists with credits at numerous companies.
One thing we know how to do is hold on to and organize paperwork, something you seem to have extensive problems with, otherwise you wouldn't make such a ridiculous statement.
Mara then asked us to provide info from the Condo Code about how she's violating it by sending assessment bills less than ten days before they're due...
From viv a vis credit card provider business practices "Some of the targeted practices include...late billing which makes it hard for consumers to pay on time."
Under the CARD law " card companies bill customers near the due date, making it difficult to pay on time.  Under the CARD act, companies will have to bill customers 21 days ahead of time."
So, it can be interpreted under consumer law that giving less than 10 days to pay a bill (as you usually do) creates an unreasonable time frame for payment.
Heck, I gave you 14 days to pay my bill for services rendered, which you defaulted on by failing to any form.

BTW, you're not attempting to practice law with only a BA in Accounting are you?
A key provision in the new Property Manager licensing act and rules is the power of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation's Division of Professional Regulation to suspend or revoke a license for unprofessional conduct by a manager.
Conduct that qualifies for suspension or revocation includes: providing legal advice without being licensed to practice law.
Last I heard a BA in Accounting doesn't count towards practicing law, and you have no other accreditation.
Mara then informed us that the Board would "discuss" M's ongoing proposal to rent (for $150 a month) the '58 basement space art therapist /  Board member Eddie Foss rents for only $30 a month.
We are eagerly awaiting the result of the discussion.
Of course, had the meeting been on-site at the condo, instead of over a mile away at a location inaccessible to someone without a car (the only available public transportation stops running before the meeting's probable conclusion), M or I would've been there...
She then asked what the basis was for my claims that renting the space would alleviate condo association cash flow problems due to foreclosures and assessment delinquencies.
We have documentation showing previous delinquencies by two of the Board members.
In addition, considering that, judging from their schedules (more time at home. All three have been observed on-site at the condo during standard business hours.) and other clues...
  • Business analyst Carol Krengelis listing herself on LinkedIn as being employed at the *** for a year after being laid off, and listing her old *** work number as her contact number on her Board election campaign form (the number is now***  Tech Support) months after being laid off,
  • Eddie Foss attending two colleges (NE and NW) simultaneously as a student, plus his increasing use of public transportation and walking instead of his car.
  • The damaged condition of Diego Arce's window blinds and screens (which look like they were punched out from inside the unit) as well as his unit being the only one without air conditioning during the recent record heat wave. Even Eddie finally acquired (note I didn't say purchased) an (apparently used) air conditioner.
...all three are probably underemployed/unemployed.
Logical extrapolation of this indicates all three are probably in financial distress as well.
Odds are that they have recently missed, or were late, on assessments.
Do you (or they) deny any of this on the record?
Plus: Your progressively-less detailed annual financial statements (which we keep) showing increasing deficits (the growing numbers in  "( )"s, since you don't use red ink), speak for themselves.
Finally, the fact that an independent audit of the books hasn't been done in at least five years (as recommended in "best practices" by such authorities on condo law as Mark Pearlstein) also speaks for itself.
Even if nothing is actually wrong, it gives the appearance of a cover-up.
You, of all people, should know that!
We have not received any response.
If we do, we'll post it.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 ( over three years ago!)...$166,206.42 from an original $75!
They've broken the $165,000 level! Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $1650, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $8250+ a week!
It's over 750 (SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2100 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting and NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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