Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fox Whines & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $300,000! (#831)

I emailed the "annotated" Minutes to Fox and fiends, and received the following terse response.
Note: lack of response is NOT to be taken as tacit consent and acknowledgment that information presented herein is true and accurate.
You can just feel the pursed lips and white knuckles as she typed that, eh?
So I emailed back the following....
Lack of response is taken as tacit consent and acknowledgment that information presented herein is true and accurate.
If you don't like it, then respond, if you dare.
(And I don't think you'd dare, since it'd be on the record, and you're too scared to have anything attributed to you since what you say and what you do tend to be two different things.)
Have a nice meeting, Republicans!

The Obama to your Bachmann, Romney, Gingrich, and Palin
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 ( over three years ago!)...$307,195.71 from an original $75!  
They've broken the $300,000 level! Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $3000, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $15,000+ a week!
It's over 800 (EIGHT HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting and 
NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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