Friday, April 13, 2012

Bathroom Work Begins, Maniac Mara & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $600,000! (#911)

We began work on the bathroom on the 11th, so to catch up, we're doing several posts cover day-by-day events...
On Tuesday, Maniac Mara Feldman-Fox again contacted M thru her office e-mail, despite being instructed not to do so and to e-mail me instead, claiming she hadn't received the Certificate of Insurance (which she, in fact, had! We'll tell you why in a minute.).
I re-sent the Certificate in various formats including PDF and JPEG on the more-than-likely chance that Mara is so incredibly-clueless that she doesn't know how to open a PDF, which a five-year old can do.
Since Mara had said nothing about the exterminators, I added the following...
Since we have not heard from you as of now, we take it as given that...
a) you received at least
one of the many transmitted versions of the Certificate of Insurance that was initially-sent yesterday.
b) that you have
no plan in place for access to the Boiler Room tomorrow morning.
c) that you have
no plan in place for providing required exterminator service on Thursday morning and evening.
We, however, are far more efficient than you (and we're not even licensed Property Managers!)
The following procedures will be put in place if we do not hear from you...
a) If you have
not received a copy of the Certificate of Insurance, I will travel to your listed business address at 1820 Clifton Avenue and drop off a hardcopy of the document.
b) If neither apparently-underemployed/unemployed financial aid manager Diego Arce nor apparently-underemployed/unemployed business analyst Carol Krengelis (who, according to you, both have keys) can let us into the Boiler Room, we have a locksmith standing by to open the locks without damaging them, and billing his services to Fox Management.
c) We can have an exterminator on call to handle Thursday duties, billing Fox Management for his services.
And, considering I'm now doing your job
for you (and better than you), I'll probably bill Fox Management for my time at the rate you established...$75 an hour.
Lack of response to this e-mail before the opening of business tomorrow (8am) will be taken as tacit agreement to the facts listed and consent to all the terms above.
Since M has already left for the day, sending an e-mail to her office email or calling her office voicemail (even though you've been ordered numerous times
not to do so) would simply be proof that you wish to delay the progress of this project, despite your claims otherwise, since she won't see or hear anything until after 8am tomorrow morning, too late to affect the "wheels in motion", as it were.
Only emailing
me or calling us at (redacted) will be considered legitimate responses.
And, I will be the one dealing with you, not M.
Just as you are the Board's surrogate, I am M's, and you
will act accordingly, or be reported to the Disciplinary Committee of the Department of Financial & Professional Regulation.
I had mentioned that I had proof that Mara had the Certificate of Insurance?
Here's the proof...
She called the contractor, whose phone number she had gotten off the first transmission of the Certificate, on MONDAY and told him to come to her home/office at 1820 Clifton to get the Boiler Room keys!
This, of course, raises the question as to why Mara told everyone during the "impromptu meeting" that all three Board members had Boiler Room keys!
Could it be that Mara (gasp) apparently lied again?
She did call our home phone, as instructed, late Tuesday night, and informed us about the contractor coming to her home.
Mara sounded sheepish, almost frightened about leaving a voice mail message that could be duplicated and transcribed, probably for the same reason she and the Board members fear being recorded in any form, to provide plausible deniability.
Anyway, she still hadn't mentioned anything about the exterminator, so I followed up yet again...
As a precaution, to avoid any misunderstandings, we will follow up any meeting or phone call with a write-up.
As we've pointed out several times previously, Victor of A.N.D. informed us (and I know Michelle of A.N.D. informed
you, Mara Feldman-Fox, since I was on the other line at the time) that A.N.D. apparently be here Thursday due to prior commitments.
If you like, I can forward the e-mails from Monday and today that you received, and .didn't read.
(The fact that Fox Management has only one exterminator on call for all their properties is almost too astounding to conceive.)

Therefore it is
up to Fox Management to find and pay for a replacement to "fill in" for A.N.D. on Thursday at 8am and 4pm and Friday at 8am.
How you do it is up to you.
But, we sincerely suggest you make it happen.
If, in the unfortunate event you're incapable of doing so (which will be noted and logged), we will get an exterminator of our own and bill you for his services (which will probably include rush charges).
The onus is on you.
More, shortly...

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over three years ago!)...$690,132.62 from an original $75!    
They've broken the $600,000 level!Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6000, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $30,000+ a week!
It's 900 (NINE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting
and NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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