Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mara STILL Can't Follow Instructions & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $600,000! (#908)

After the Claremont version of the Ox Bow Incident, Mara e-mailed M, not me.
M forwarded the letter to me, and I responded to Mara...
You were specifically-instructed to send any correspondence to me, and not bother M with it.
She has forwarded it to me for handling and will do so with any correspondence in the future.
Your sending it to her appears to be a deliberate attempt to delay matters being handled.
We'll just have to add this to the long list of failures on your part for the Discipline Board's attention now that you actually have a legitimate Property Manager's license...after waiting to the very last minute to file under the "grandfathering clause".

Let's look at the list of items and what really happened...

Thank you for joining the Board and me at the impromptu meeting last night to discuss the interior repairs to your unit.
The following are the issues brought to your attention and the recommendations and requests by the Board for you to follow:

It was two nights ago, not "last night".
You seem to have a real problem with dates and times.
Claiming March 16th was 30 days after February 16th (when actually it was 29, as any schoolchild knows) indicates a problem with temporal perception and/or mathematics.
You might want to have it checked out.
But, back to the matter at hand...
Interrupting our dinner unannounced with a demand to face a perceptibly-hostile group outnumbering us and using standard cult techniques of encirclement and harassment is not exactly an "impromptu meeting".
The phrase Ox-Bow Incident comes to mind, presuming you know the pop culture reference...
But your mileage may vary.

Kitchen plumbing repairs have been completed by Jeffrey Plumbing and Heating Services;
Note we paid for them, not the Board, so please don't try to take credit for them.

Plumbing repairs/bathroom renovation is scheduled for the week of April 9, 2012.
Work scheduled to commence Wednesday, April 11th or Thursday, April 12th;
As soon as I know the exact date, I'll inform you.
In addition, since you failed to correct the reported backwash problem caused by other units' washing machines on the same line backing up into our tub, we are having a backwash valve installed.
It's an additional charge and, since failing to correct the problem is your fault, will be billed to Fox and the Board.
Now, if you wish to (at your expense) have Jeffrey take another whack at it on the day of demolition, we will graciously allow him to do so after demolition is completed and the drainpipes are open and accessible.
This might negate the need to install the backwash valve and billing of you and the Board, presuming it works.
(It didn't last time.)
If it doesn't work, we'll still have to install a backwash valve, again, at your expense (and probably a greater expense, since we'll have to open up the now-completed shower stall to do it).
Your call.
Roll the dice.

M will confirm the exact start date in sufficient time, by the end of this week, as to schedule AND Exterminators;
Fox Management will coordinate with AND Exterminators, AND will be scheduled to conduct rodent inspection of the space behind the bathroom walls, set traps and plug holes as necessary;
Sort of true.
I will confirm the date.
As stated earlier...
1) Exterminators will be required at the end of the first day to plug existing rat-holes and lay traps to catch any rodents in the walls at the time who would seek to use the now-plugged holes for egress.
2) The following days, until the walls are constructed and sealed, we require (note the word) exterminators present both at opening of the bathroom (7:30-8:00 am) to handle trapped/dead rodents and any live ones in the bathroom at the time, and closing (5:00 pm) to lay fresh traps.
Failure of Fox Management to provide exterminators on any of these times will result in our providing an exterminator of our selection and billing Fox and the Board for their services (and possibly my time, as well).
And, of course, Fox and the Board are responsible for paying AND Exterminators or any other extermination service.

Fox Management will provide B's phone number to AND so that B and AND can coordinate specific days/times for service and follow-up;
True, with the understanding that Fox and the Board are responsible for payment of AND Exterminators for their services in this matter.

M is to provide contract with Design Innovations and submit a certificate of insurance for Design Innovations prior to work commencing;
There was no discussion at the lynching...I mean "meeting"...of providing a copy of the contract, only the Certificate of Insurance.
And, AFAIK (that's "As Far As I Know" for those, like Mara, who don't speak Internet), there's nothing in theCondo code or the declarations requiring us to provide a contract to you, since we are paying for it, not you.
However, I may (repeat may) be wrong.
If there is, feel free to point it out (with a proper citation) and we will provide the required by law.
We did not volunteer to do so and will not do so, unless the law requires it.
And, considering your past failures to provide documents, even when required by law, you really shouldn't be surprised.
The financials for 2011, which we have yet to see four months into 2012, for example.
If you want the list, I can easily provide a print-out...

Certificate of Insurance should name Claremont Condominium Association as named insured.
The Certificates will graciously name both M and the Association as "named insured", though, according to the Condo Code, it's not required for projects under $10,000, nor one the Association is not paying for (unless you want to do so).
Again, if I'm wrong (and that's a big "if"), please feel free to point it out, with proper citation, of course.

M to provide 48 hours notice if there is a need to have the water shut off to the building.
The law, your earlier statements, and other units' owners (including Board members) have used "24 hours" as the time frame.
However, in another show of extreme graciousness, B will do so.

M to post notices in each entrance 48 hours in advance if there is a need to have the water shut off to the building.
B will graciously do so.
However, I note that someone removed the posters I put up the day before Jeffrey came.
Please tell whoever the EDiot is (and we're certain you know who it is) not to do so again.
As before, I will take digital photos of the posted notices when they are placed, and e-mail them to establish a time/date statement as to placement.
If the EDiot removes them again, it's not my fault.
I do my job.
Controlling Board members is yours, and it's not one you do well.

If you should have any questions or need additional information please contact our office.
If you should have any questions or need additional information please contact me and don't bother M.
She works on-staff, and is quite busy.
Luckily, I run an on-line business from home and am able to work my schedule around interruptions like you.
Haven't heard back from her yet.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over three years ago!)...$669,835.92 from an original $75!    
They've broken the $600,000 level!Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6000, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $30,000+ a week!
It's 900 (NINE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting
and NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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