Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Ox-Bow Incident...Claremont Condo Style

M and I were having dinner tonite when there was a knock at the door.
I opened it and once more, the hulking figure of financial aid manager Diego Arce loomed over me.
My first thought was "There was no newspaper today! What's his malfunction now?"
But Diego didn't want me.
In a rumbling voice, he demanded that M come out and talk to the assembled Board and their servant, unlicensed Property Manager Mara Feldman-Fox, in the building's lobby.

M agreed to do so, and for the next half-hour Diego, business analyst Carol Krengelis, and Mara hounded, threatened, whined, and tried to cajole M.
Art therapist Eddie Foss, his beady eyes glittering, stayed silent for the most part, as most rodents are wont to do when caught in the open.
Though he said little, it was obvious to me that he was the manipulator of the whole scenario.
It smacked of someone who misused their training in psychology for evil instead of good.

They deliberately ignored me, concentrating on M with threats of legal action and other things too hideous to describe here.

Finally, the ordeal ended, and the lynch mob, apparently satisfied that they had broken M's will, left.
But, they had not.
Despite being brought to tears due to Mara's ranting, M stood fast.
I'm proud of her.
Just thought you should know.

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