Monday, April 9, 2012

Mara STILL Can't Follow Instructions (2) & Fox Management Group Defaults, OWES OVER $600,000! (#909)

We finally heard from Maniac Mara this morning.
As usual, she contacted M instead of me.
Once I received the e-mail, I responded...

Once more with feeling...

Your statements, then reality...
I am in receipt of several emails from your husband, B regarding the upcoming interior repairs to your unit.
Note that they are from last Thursday, several days ago.
You seem unaware that a Property Manager's job is 24/7/365, in other words, all the time.
Perhaps you should look into a different line of work that you are more suited for.

As discussed Tuesday evening, April 3 you were directed to provide a copy of the contract with Design I and submit a certificate of insurance for Design Innovations prior to work commencing.
No mention was made of a contract during the lynching (I mean "impromtu meeting"), nor is there any proviso in the Condo Code or Claremont Declarations requiring such documentation be provided for projects under $10,000.
We asked for a citation if there was such a proviso in our earlier e-mail, and you've failed to provide one in your belated response.
If there is one, and you provide a citation, we'll provide the contract.
(For someone who has yet to provide the 2011 Financials, as of April 2012, you're hardly one to talk about required documentation!)
You were informed in the previous e-mail that once the terms of providing A.N.D.'s services were confirmed, you'd receive the insurance forms.
This is the first we've heard from you since your previous e-mail (to M instead of me, as you were instructed to do, but failed to do), on Thursday.
Now that we finally have confirmation about A.N.D., you'll receive the certificate with both M's and the Association's names on it.
And remember, dear, you may request, but you do not demand or direct!

In addition, a Certificate of Insurance should name Claremont Condominium Association as named insured. As of today, this information has not been provided.
See above.
Attached is the certificate, naming both M and the Board, now that you have done as we asked.
If you cooperate and act like an adult, good things happen!

I have contacted AND Exterminators and requested that they contact your husband, Brian directly to make arrangements for service work once your renovation commences.
I have confirmed with AND Exterminators that they have left a message for B on Friday, late afternoon, April 6th.
They have not received a phone call back from him when I spoke with Michelle this morning.
Any claims that B makes, that any contract work will be delayed due to lack of Fox Management Group’s efforts to coordinate are
Since this is the first e-mail we've received since Thursday (even if you still don't know how to follow instructions) the claims are well-founded.
E-mail is far more efficient at avoiding miscommunication.
I will get A.N.D.'s email addy and follow up any phone conversation with a detailed e-mail.

Contact the management office to arrange for your contractor, Design I to schedule access to the boiler room.
Refrain from contacting the Board of Directors directly.

If you refrain from contacting Mary directly, I'll contact you as you request.
If you contact M, I'll contact the Board members directly.
I do as you do.
Same rules apply.
If you don't follow our request, we are under no obligation to follow your request.

Please note also, that all communication as discussed on Tuesday evening, April 3 will always be emailed to you.
You may forward on to B at your discretion.
B has claimed that he has left messages on Fox Management Group’s voice mail.
As discussed, you were to send all communcations to me, and not bother M with them.
I'm concerned about your memory.
Are you getting enough CoQ-10?
And please cite or quote where I said I had left messages on "voice mail."
I vastly prefer e-mail since it creates a "paper trail" (actually an electron trail) that can be presented to the Disciplinary Board and used as evidence.
If I do call, it won't be to the voice mail, so your statement is totally-erroneous, as usual.
And it's just Monday...

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (over three years ago!)...$676,534.28 from an original $75!    
They've broken the $600,000 level!Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6000, it's really mounting up, at a rate of $30,000+ a week!
It's 900 (NINE HUNDRED) late charges, and now the amount (with late fees) is over 2600 times the original bill...
Isn't that just pitiful?
But then, what can you expect from Mara Feldman-Fox, 
someone with only a bachelor's degree in accounting
and NO other accreditation, whatsoever?
I hope for her sake Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! 
But I doubt it... ;-)

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