Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice, The ED-iot Strikes (#0v) & Fox Management Group (#106)

The back alley / plaza was a sheer sheet of ice.
Part of the area was chipped away this morning to allow foot traffic thru the area.
However, the alleyway from the front of the building to the back plaza was not cleared, or even salted.
In fact, they've run out of salt, having used 250 pounds by January 15th, and haven't replenished it.
They're back to using cat litter to give traction over the ice that remains...

In other news...
The cowardly ED-iot has been kept at bay by the use of a frame around the flyer posted on the unit door.
No longer can he safely remove my posters.
His impotent rage is palpable in person.
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$222.23, from an original $75
Now that the 1% per workday late fee is over $2, it's really starting to mount up!

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