Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The ED-iot Strikes (#26, 27, & 28) & Fox Management Group (#91 & 92)

The ED-iot struck three times, taking the framed poster down and leaving it by the door.
It was, of course, quickly put back up...
Ah, the impotent rage that must be boiling in the ED-iot's heart...being unable to rip the poster down as he did before! Now he must delicately remove it and lay it down without making a sound, lest he be caught like the wimpy sneak he is!

The FOX-XX SUV is back, and a silver Fox is squiring Kommissar Krengelis about.
Is it Stuart Fox, and if it is, does Mara know he's here?

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$193.36, from an original $75
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$195.29, from an original $75!

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