Monday, January 19, 2009

The ED-iot Strikes (#0p) & Fox Management Group (#100)

The cowardly ED-iot has been kept at bay by the use of a frame around the flyer posted on the unit door.
No longer can he safely remove posters.
His impotent rage is palpable in person.

There's a Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, the 20th.
Should be interesting.
Of course, I'll report impressions on Wednesday. Because it's so late in the month, the minutes won't be posted until the February mailing.
It'll give Fox Management and the Board plenty of time to try to re-write history, as they are wont to do.
As usual, I'll correct it, as I'm wont to do.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$209.36, from an original $75 carries over, since today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a Federal Holiday), and I do not bill late fees on weekends or holidays.

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