Sunday, February 19, 2012

Is Mara Feldman-Fox Dumber than a Third-Grader?

In her February 16th, 2012 screed to M, she demanded that repairs be done in 30 days... by March 16th, 2012!
Except that February has only 28 days (29 in 2012 because it's leap year).
So 30 days after February 16th is March 17th, not March 16th!
It's only thru sheer luck that it's a leap year or Mara would look stupider then she already does by being off by two days instead of one!
Does Mara Feldman-Fox not know how to read a calendar?
Does Mara Feldman-Fox not know how to count?
Did she actually earn her Bachelor's in Accounting, or was there some other method involved?
Enquiring minds want to know...

Since it's a Federal holiday, and because we have scruples, morals, and ethics (unlike unlicensed property managers and Board members we know), there's no billing for today.

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