Friday, July 31, 2009

Eddie STARES! & Fox Management Group (#232)

Yesterday afternoon, I ran into art therapist Eddie Foss coming home as I was heading out to shop.
He stared at me.
I stared back.
After about a minute, when he realized he couldn't out-stare me, he abruptly turned and went up the stairs.
I still think the therapist needs a therapist!
As I mentioned earlier, the remainder of the moldy carpeting had been left in the boiler room, since there was no room in the dumpster for it.
Since the garbage men came thru earlier today, the dumpster was now empty.
Eddie surreptitiously dumped the remaining carpeting into it sometime after dark, but before midnite.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (a full year ago, now!)...$808.30, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $8, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $40+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and over a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fox Management Group (#231)

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (a full year ago, now!)...$801.29, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $8, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $40+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and over a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fox Management Group (#230)

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (a full year ago, now!)...$793.36, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Something Lurking in the Basement & Fox Management Group (#229)

...oh, it's only Eddie Foss!
I confused him for another below-ground-dwelling rodent.
He did some sort of cleanup late into the night on Monday in his $10 a month basement living space.
Lots of art supplies used in his vain attempts to be an artist were tossed into our condo's dumpster.
This morning, the gentleman from Enterprise Building Services was here.
They took up the moldy carpeting in Eddie's $10 a month basement living space, and filled what little space remained in our dumpster with some of it.
The rest of the over 200 square feet of carpeting remains, rolled up, in the boiler room until next week.
(They had previously-removed the carpeting from the unrented areas, but Eddie's door had been locked, and they couldn't get in to it to do so.
Plus, all his crap was there, making the task nigh-impossible.)
Eddie's remaining...stuff...(except for the couch) had been moved into the rear basement room M is negotiating to rent to facilitate removal of the damaged carpeting.
I, at no point, entered Eddie's $10 a month basement living space.
I was in the currently-unrented (and thus legally-accessible to owners and residents) common area section of the '58 basement.
However, I did observe Eddie's space from the open door...

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (a full year ago, today!)...$786.10, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fox Management Group (#228)

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$778.32, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fox Management Group (#227)

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$770.62, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fox Management Group (#226)

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$769.92, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fox Management Group (#225)

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$762.30, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fox Management Group (#224)

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$754.76, from an original $75!
Now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, now the amount with late fees is over 10 times the original amount, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Assessment ON TIME! & Fox Management Group (#223)

For the first time in over a year, the assessment bill arrived before the 20th of the month!
Perhaps my complaining has finally had an effect on Mara Fox!
As expected, the Board meeting minutes weren't included (they always take at least a full month for Eddie Foss to Orwellize), so I'll probably have to wait until the assessment bill arrives in August to find out the fate of M's $3,600 proposal for the basement of '58.
I am not hopeful. ;-(

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$747.29, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Eddie SCREAMS (2) & Fox Management Group (#222)

Recent e-mail to Eddie about an encounter on July 15th, 2009...
How does it feel to be a believe that the ONLY thing EVERYONE thinks about is YOU, and that only YOUR opinions and needs matter?
I wouldn't know, but apparently, YOU do!

According to your most recent public screaming fit, directed at me as
I was heading out for dinner yesterday evening, you think I'm (quoting your demented ranting) "following you."
Considering the fact that I was heading out at the time and had no thought of you in my head, your delusional rantings, though amusing, are a tad worrysome.

And, I'm curious to know, why you were watching ME, hmmm?
Are YOU following ME?

Apparently, the therapist NEEDS a therapist!
Not news to me, I've thought it for years.

I don't expect a response from you.
You're too ********** to do so, just as you failed to respond to my previous e-mail...

---------- Forwarded message ----------

My thanks for the apology you made while you were doing laundry in both the '58 and '60 laundry rooms yesterday.
However, because you were turning away to lock the door of the '60 basement while you spoke, your statement after the apology was somewhat muffled.
I caught a couple of words..."indefensible"..."moving"...and "basement". The rest was garbled.
I would appreciate it if you could repeat or even expound on what you said.
Semantics are everything, as you well know.
That's why I always ask for clarification.
I loathe misuse of the language and the misunderstandings it creates.
I'm sure you agree such misunderstandings are to be avoided at all costs.

In that spirit, I await your reply.
Mr. B

PS: as I have pointed out in the past, just as you stated publicly that you prefer to be addressed as "Ed", not "Eddie", I prefer you address me as "Mr. B", not "B".
If you choose to not do so, I will address you as "Eddie".
Your call.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$739.89, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fox Management Group (#221)

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$732.56, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Plumbing Problems (7) & Fox Management Group (#220)

As you might have guessed, Mara couldn't let my previous statements go unchallenged, even if it meant bringing up totally unrelated matters to cover her lack of knowledge...
As usual. B is lending his opinion to scheduling that he knows nothing of.
Thank you Ed for successfully coordinating obtaining the keys and working with Mark and his Enterprise crew.
Mara Fox

Of course, I responded...
As usual, Mara is lending her opinion to something she knows nothing about.
Considering Eddie is the only one with a key to the '58 basement, which he uses as a private living / work space, of course he had to turn a key over to Enterprise to remove the ruined carpeting!
As to the plumbing situation with Jeffrey Services (which was what I was referring to), Eddie didn't give JS access to '60 1E, nor did he provide the '60 1E keys currently in his possession to anyone else here to let JS in!
In fact, he was nowhere to be found!
So, obviously, "lack of effort and failing to play well with others" applies to that, not Enterprise.
Get your facts straight before you speak, Mara.

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$725.31, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Plumbing Problems (6) & Fox Management Group (#219)

Since Eddie has the keys to 1E, he will, of course, be available at 9am on Tuesday, July 14th, to allow the plumbers entrance to use the already-existing access port as well as test their work
by running the washing machine after the procedure is done to test that the blockage has been removed.

Kudos to Jeffrey, Jonah, & David of Jeffrey Services!
Work was successfully done without having to slice thru walls or floor!
Kool guys! Welcome anytime!

Also noted Enterprise BS removing mildewed carpeting from the usually-inaccessible basement of '58.
I trust mold cleanup / decontamination will follow.

On the negative side, Eddie, who was given keys to 1E by the owner, was nowhere to be found when needed, as usual.
Luckily, his expected failure to perform was not a hindrance to getting the work done as Jeffrey Services was able to access the unit and Jonah & David were able to effect repairs.
(And we'll let the new tenants know to get the keys back from Eddie when they move in.)

Overall, great work, except Eddie Foss, who gets a failing grade for lack of effort and failing to play well with others.

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$718.13, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Plumbing Problems (5) & Fox Management Group (#218)

Mara never directly responded to our multiple e-mails.
She did contact a plumber who called us...
I e-mailed Mara...
We received a phone call from Jeffrey of Jeffrey Service Co.
(I checked him and his company out before calling back.)
Mara followed our instructions to the best of her...abilities and passed our phone number to him.
Well done on that score, Mara.
However, as I expected, Mara failed to convey even the basics of the problem coherently.
I recounted the events leading up to the present watery dilemma,
Jeffrey suggested a course of action, and we made arrangements with him to deal with the plumbing problem on Monday, July 13th.
Still awaiting an answer on my other questions, Mara.

Today, Monday, things got interesting, as I e-mailed Mara...
The guys from Jeffrey Services were here at 8am!
Talk about prompt! ;-)
They surveyed the situation, including the fact that our closet space, which the other apartments on the '60 E line use for their washing machines, has NEVER been outfitted for the same purpose, hence no access to condo plumbing thru it!
After a brief conversation with Eddie that I was not privy to, the plumbers told me they would return tomorrow at 9am, and may have to open up our closet wall to put some sort of access port.
I told them it might be allowed, conditional to their restoring the wall to previous sealed condition (obviously including the access port) before leaving for the day.
NOTE: 1E's owner was here on Sunday, July 12th, prepping his unit for his new renters who will arrive this Saturday, July 18th.
He told me that he gave Eddie the keys to 1E to allow access if the plumbers needed it.
Since his unit, directly above us, DOES have a washing machine, and thus, an access port, I question as to why the plumbers would have to install one in our unit!
No response, as of this point.

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$711.02, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Plumbing Problems (4) & Fox Management Group (#217)

A note was surreptitiously stuck under our door last night.
Here's the note, and my quick response...
I am corresponding with you on behalf of M, owner of Unit '60 G.
We are in receipt of your memo which reads...
I am corresponding with you on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Claremont Condominium Association. The garden unit is experiencing water back-up due to the washing machines in the '60 east tier. We need to have a plumber gain access to your unit to complete the necessary rodding. Please call me at 847-831-8822 ASAP so we can arrange an appointment. If I do not hear from you by Monday, July 13th, 2009, we will call a locksmith to provide entry to your unit. All costs will be charged back to your account.
Thank you in advance for your prompt cooperation.

Mara Feldman-Fox
Property Manager

Since we ARE the "garden unit experiencing water back-up" from an outside-our-walls source, we are well aware of the problem.
We will be happy, nay, enthusiastic, to cooperate.
Since you (Mara Feldman-Fox) and the plumber will be dealing with me (B), all contact between us, except when the plumber is on-site, will be by e-mail so a complete record of all correspondence can be maintained and nothing is misinterpreted, as so often happens with Fox Management.
M cannot spare the time from the office to deal with this matter, and I work from home, so logic dictates this arrangement.

We will require the name and contact info (phone or e-mail) for the plumber ASAP to

1) provide complete information about the problem to him/her.

We suspect you did not supply the info we provided to you verbatim to the plumber, but "interpreted" it.

And if your previous "interpretations" of facts are any indication, the plumber probably believes it's a hair clog in OUR drain, instead of a blockage OUTSIDE our unit, where the pipes from the units merge
(which makes me question why a licensed plumber wouldn't access the plumbing thru the ports in the basements of '60 or '58, which would probably be physically-closer to the blockage)!
2) check the plumber's license status and reputation, with the city, Angie's List, and the Better Business Bureau.

Wouldn't YOU do the same before letting a stranger in YOUR home?

If you do not provide the information in advance, we WILL require the "individual" (for we won't know if (s)he is, in fact, a legitimate plumber) to show valid identification before entry, as is our right under the law.
A licensed plumber will be welcome any day next week, July 13th thru July 17th, 2009, with 24 hours notice.

Please give him/her our home phone or my cellphone (both of which you have), so (s)he may arrange a time.

You have now "heard from us" WELL before July 13th, 2009!

B for M

PS: Since I've got you "on the line" as it were, what was the vote on the request to rent the basement back room of '58 (the item you conveniently postponed from May)?

Or do we have to wait until September to read the usually-incomplete and grammatically-incorrect Board meeting minutes to find out?
PPS: As long as you were sticking something under our door, you couldn't include the check for your (now year-old) overdue bill? ;-)

As of three emails sent to her over an 18-hour period, Mara hasn't responded.

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$703.98, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July Board Meeting Vote & Fox Management Group (#217)

In addition, with the Board meeting occurring tonite, I e-mailed the only two Board members (Diego Arce & business analyst Carol J Krengelis) who could vote on the rental of the '58 basement space (Eddie Foss would have to recuse himself due to conflict of interest.)

Regarding the vote on the proposal to rent the basement back room of listed, the main aspect of this is the "matching rent" factor.
M will happily pay the same amount as the renter of the front room (Eddie Foss) , even though the back room is 1/3 smaller and has no ventilation or natural light whatsoever, and she intends it as storage, not living space like Eddie.
if Eddie pays $10 per month, M pays $10 per month.
if Eddie pays $50 per month, M pays $50 per month
if Eddie pays $150 per month, M pays $150 per month
Very simple.
Interestingly, you've voted to keep the rental space at the same rate since 2001, but raised unit assessments several times (including special assessments) where most condo associations would raise rents first, then raise unit assessments.
Of course, the renter usually isn't a fellow Board member.

However, given the current financial situation (including numerous units in arrears) raising assessments again without raising the rent will be looked upon extremely suspiciously by the non-Board owners.

Here's your chance for the "best of both worlds"
1) up to $3,600 a year in income from the combined rents
2) Eddie gets to keep his second living space
3) a chance to prove me wrong, and a minimizing of bad pr for the Board!
Talk about "Win/Win"!

Also, the new income will help cover the cost of repair to the '58 basement (including the June 20th cleaning already done by Enterprise), something the $120 a year Eddie's presently paying can't
begin to cover.
(The fact that the Misc Income and Misc Expenses are both $120 has not evaded notice or comment, especially since the usual check listings were not included with the 2008 Common Expenses...)

Of course, the now-ruined carpeting will have to be removed and the mold will have to be cleansed/decontaminated.
Since the condo doesn't have flood insurance, it will probably have to be paid for out of Association funds.
It should be done quickly.
If I lived directly above it, as Diego does, I'd be worried about mold/spore migration & contamination thru the hole in the basement ceiling into MY unit.
But that's just me.
In fact, I'd be surprised if your pets hadn't already shown some signs of distress from it. Their olfactory systems are far more sensitive to such things than humans'.
And we know it's been there for awhile (at least 6 months).
The March 2009 meeting minutes mentioned Krengelis was going to talk to neighbors to allow access for repair to the condo's foundation, and since only the south wall (bordering Eddie's basement living space) butts up to another neighbor's property, it's obvious what they were talking about.

I implore you, vote for what's best for the Condo.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a Board Member.

The Board meeting occurred last night.
When the results are in, I'll let you know.
However, due to Eddie's ineptitude at writing minutes, it may not be until Labor Day!

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$697.01, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Plumbing Problems (3) & Fox Management Group (#216)

Mara's response to my last e-mail...
The Board of Directors has no obligation to host a meeting. Any unit owner may offer to have a meeting in their home. As I have asked you to and so has the Board. Why do you avoid hosting the meeting?

Again, state what you will about the BBB and their response. There is no indication that they support your claim. You can continue to demand payment, waste more of your time and money printing invoices and lengthy memos. There will be no payment forthcoming from the Association or Fox Management Group.

Unless you are agreeing to host the next meeting, please do not respond to this e-mail. There will be no further correspondence on this issue.

Believing that no one, least of all Manic Mara, dictates when I may speak on any matter, I responded once more...
Why would I host a meeting, as you suggest?
And, of course, you don't answer why the present Board members fail to host meetings when previous Board members enthusiastically did so!

I note you don't address the matter of Sunday meetings you apparently discontinued when attendance by owners proved TOO good.

As to your opinion (as you have no legal training, only a Bachelors in Accounting) that the BBB's decision wasn't a confirmation of the legitimacy of the billing...well, that's to be expected from someone who (deliberately?) isn't a member of the BBB and has resisted even providing basic requested information since the first of many complaints was lodged against you in 2000.
The Association has no say or standing in the billing matter. Only Fox Management and I do.
Another example of obfuscation on your part.

But then, you're the person who listed...
Candidate Master's in Economic Crime Management, Utica College, NY
on your page at
I e-mailed "I'd like to confirm that Mara Fox (or Mara Feldman-Fox or Mara
Feldman) is, in fact, a "Candidate Master's in Economic Crime Management, Utica College, NY" as she lists on her credentials page <>..."
The admissions office responded...
"I am replying back to your inquiry. I don’t have a Mara Fox listed as a student."
I also note you since removed the listing.

Curiously, on that same page, you list memberships in several professional associations.
I contacted them all.
None list you as an active member since you last paid dues in 1999, a decade ago!
Most people who haven't been active members of professional associations for 10 years would remove the listings, or list them as "previous affiliations".
You don't.
Interesting obfuscation, again.
(Vetting your CV was equally revealing, but I'm saving that for another occasion...)

Now, there will be no further correspondence on this issue.
But, there will be correspondence on many more such matters over the next 40 years.
Looking forward to our next encounter...

In addition, with the Board meeting occurring tonite, I e-mailed the only two Board members (Diego Arce & business analyst Carol J Krengelis) who could vote on the rental of the '58 basement space (Eddie Foss would have to recuse himself due to conflict of interest.)

Regarding the vote on the proposal to rent the basement back room of ' listed, the main aspect of this is the "matching rent" factor.
M will happily pay the same amount as the renter of the front room (Eddie Foss) , even though the back room is 1/3 smaller and has no ventilation or natural light whatsoever, and she intends it as storage, not living space like Eddie.
if Eddie pays $10 per month, M pays $10 per month.
if Eddie pays $50 per month, M pays $50 per month
if Eddie pays $150 per month, M pays $150 per month
Very simple.
Interestingly, you've voted to keep the rental space at the same rate since 2001, but raised unit assessments several times (including special assessments) where most condo associations would raise rents first, then raise unit assessments.
Of course, the renter usually isn't a fellow Board member.

However, given the current financial situation (including numerous units in arrears) raising assessments again without raising the rent will be looked upon extremely suspiciously by the non-Board owners.

Here's your chance for the "best of both worlds"
1) up to $3,600 a year in income from the combined rents
2) Eddie gets to keep his second living space
3) a chance to prove me wrong, and a minimizing of bad pr for the Board!
Talk about "Win/Win"!

Also, the new income will help cover the cost of repair to the '58 basement (including the June 20th cleaning already done by Enterprise), something the $120 a year Eddie's presently paying can't
begin to cover.
(The fact that the Misc Income and Misc Expenses are both $120 has not evaded notice or comment, especially since the usual check listings were not included with the 2008 Common Expenses...)

Of course, the now-ruined carpeting will have to be removed and the mold will have to be cleansed/decontaminated.
Since the condo doesn't have flood insurance, it will probably have to be paid for out of Association funds.
It should be done quickly.
If I lived directly above it, as Diego does, I'd be worried about mold/spore migration & contamination thru the hole in the basement ceiling into MY unit.
But that's just me.
In fact, I'd be surprised if your pets hadn't already shown some signs of distress from it. Their olfactory systems are far more sensitive to such things than humans'.
And we know it's been there for awhile (at least 6 months).
The March 2009 meeting minutes mentioned Krengelis was going to talk to neighbors to allow access for repair to the condo's foundation, and since only the south wall (bordering Eddie's basement living space) butts up to another neighbor's property, it's obvious what they were talking about.

I implore you, vote for what's best for the Condo.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a Board Member.

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$690.11, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Plumbing Problems (2) & Fox Management Group (#215)

My response to yesterday's e-mail exchange...
Regrettably, because of the (deliberate?) inaccessibility of the meeting location (over a mile distant from the condo) neither M nor I will attend.
We will eagerly await the meeting minutes, and hope we receive them, as incomplete and grammatically-incorrect as they usually are, sometime before Labor Day (two to three months being the turnaround for the 1/2 to 2/3 page document after the past few meetings).

We know you will wisely take action on the now officially pre-existing plumbing condition before any major damage, either to the condo itself or our unit, occurs.

And again, since the Better Business Bureau found my billing to be legal and valid, the BBB's opinion overrides the Board's.
(The Board members each have a copy of the BBB complaint, your...response...and the decision, so they know I speak the truth.)

Mara's response...
The meeting location is neither deliberate or inaccessible. Public transportation is easily available to and from the location. However, you and M can always host a meeting at your home if so desired.
As to the BBB, they did not claim that your invoice was valid. They did state that they are not interested in pursuing the issue and that if you are, you should go through the small claims court.
Mara Fox

My response...
All three of the Board members have large enough apartments to accomodate meetings.
Previous Board members Tara and Judy did so, regularly.
(In fact, Kroshus listed his unit, on the same line as Krengelis & Diego Arce, as a two-bedroom, so we KNOW those units are large enough!)
And of course, Eddie's $10 a month '58 basement living space, formerly the Condo's Party Room (and also on the same line as Krengelis, Kroshus, & Diego Arce), is certainly large enough! It's over 200 square feet, and, it has an adjacent kitchen area!
So that covers all three Board members!
Why the present Board members seem unable or afraid to host the meetings is open to speculation (and people DO speculate about that, and many other things...)
The fact that meetings are held off-site, over a mile away, is an indication you DON'T want unit owners attending.
Looking over the meeting minutes back to 2000, Board meetings used to be held on Sunday evenings, and turnout was quite good!
Whatever happened to THAT idea?
Or was it dropped BECAUSE the turnout was so good?

As to the bill...
The BBB's response...(and I quote)
"The Bureau does not handle matters of collection as we are not licensed in the State of Illinois to be a collection agency.
We suggest (BB) contact a private collection agency..."
NO mention of "small claims court." ;-)
And, obviously, the BBB considered it a billing situation. (ie; a legitimate attempt to collect payment for work performed.) otherwise they wouldn't RECOMMEND a course of action!
You DID read their response, didn't you?
(If you didn't, one of the Board members can forward it to you. They all have copies.)
Or did you lose it, the way you claimed in your response that you lost the initial bill?
More fun tomorrow!

Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$683.28, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Plumbing Problems & Fox Management Group (#214)

We e-mailed Fox Management & the Board...
Since we moved in five years ago, there has been minor backflow from the washing machines in other units' on the '60 E line.
(We don't have a washing machine, we use the designated space for storage)

Up to about a year ago, it was a minor inconvenience, a little foam, a little water in our bathtub or kitchen sink, depending on which we left unplugged.
Not great, but livable.

However, over the past year, it has been getting progressively worse, until the past month, when the volume of water and laundry detergent suds almost fills the tub!
Had we left the sink unplugged, it would have overflowed!
In addition, when we plug up the drains to prevent backflow, the pressure literally "pops" the drains open! Luckily, it pops the tub (which is lower than the kitchen sink) first, or we would have already had a flood!
We confirmed our theory by checking with 2E's C as backflow occurred and discovered she was doing laundry at the time, using the same detergent and water temperature as the water backing up into our tub!

Note: the washing machine in 2E seems to be correctly installed, so that, most likely, is not the problem.
And C & M have agreed to do only one load at a time, instead of several in a row, to minimize backflow problems.
(Previously, we were able to time when backflow would occur when J & K in 1E did their laundry as we could hear and feel their washer directly above us, but the unit has been unoccupied since May, so when backflow does occur, it's been a complete surprise.)

Note: This does NOT occur when people do their laundry in either of the basement laundry rooms.
When backflow occurs, I check both laundry rooms, in 90% of the cases, the washers were not in use.
OTOH, in 100% of the cases, somone on our line WAS doing laundry.

A related item of note; from time to time, we've endured the smell of sewage from the sink drains (one of the reasons we plug them up).
The same stench also occurs in the '60 laundry room.

Since the blockage / venting problem is obviously OUTSIDE our unit, where the pipes from all four units on the '60 E line merge (or even further down the line), we are reporting it to the Board and
management company for appropriate action before the matter gets any worse.

The logical course of action would be to check the line for blockage at the plumbing access points in the laundry rooms.
If you call a licensed plumber, and (s)he needs access to our bathroom (although why [s]he would, since the problem is obviously an external one), after checking the laundry room access points, please contact us in a timely fashion so I can allow access.

We have attached an RTF file, for reference, of similar plumbing problems.
They recommend using licensed professional plumbers, not handymen.

Hoping this is corrected before flooding occurs,

PS: On a non-Board-related-matter, Fox Management now owes over $650 on it's long-overdue bill (July 2008, a year ago) to me.
Ask anyone who kept a library book or dvd past it's due date, those late fees DO add up! ;-)

Fox's Response:
Thank you for informing us of the back-up problem in the 60 building.
As the Board of Directors will be meeting on Wednesday, it will be brought up at the meeting and appropriate action will be taken.
Again, as discussed at previous meetings, the invoice that you billed to Fox Management Group is erroneous and will not be paid.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Mara Fox

My response tomorrow...

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$676.52, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July & Fox Management Group (#213)

Happy and Healthy $th of July to All!

Friday's (July 3rd) total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$669.82, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Waiting for Gutless (20) & Fox Management Group (#212)

Since it's been a week since art therapist / Board member Eddie Foss has failed to respond to my information request, I'll be making the matter more public (and potentially far more embarrassing) on Monday...
It'll have to be Tuesday, since a tight-deadline project reared it's head over the weekend...
Posted. Let's see if the rat takes the cheese...

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$663.19, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Waiting for Gutless (19) & Fox Management Group (#211)

Since it's been a week since art therapist / Board member Eddie Foss has failed to respond to my information request, I'll be making the matter more public (and potentially far more embarrassing) on Monday...
It'll have to be Tuesday, since a tight-deadline project reared it's head over the weekend...
Posted. Let's see if the rat takes the cheese...

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$656.62, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)