Thursday, July 9, 2009

July Board Meeting Vote & Fox Management Group (#217)

In addition, with the Board meeting occurring tonite, I e-mailed the only two Board members (Diego Arce & business analyst Carol J Krengelis) who could vote on the rental of the '58 basement space (Eddie Foss would have to recuse himself due to conflict of interest.)

Regarding the vote on the proposal to rent the basement back room of listed, the main aspect of this is the "matching rent" factor.
M will happily pay the same amount as the renter of the front room (Eddie Foss) , even though the back room is 1/3 smaller and has no ventilation or natural light whatsoever, and she intends it as storage, not living space like Eddie.
if Eddie pays $10 per month, M pays $10 per month.
if Eddie pays $50 per month, M pays $50 per month
if Eddie pays $150 per month, M pays $150 per month
Very simple.
Interestingly, you've voted to keep the rental space at the same rate since 2001, but raised unit assessments several times (including special assessments) where most condo associations would raise rents first, then raise unit assessments.
Of course, the renter usually isn't a fellow Board member.

However, given the current financial situation (including numerous units in arrears) raising assessments again without raising the rent will be looked upon extremely suspiciously by the non-Board owners.

Here's your chance for the "best of both worlds"
1) up to $3,600 a year in income from the combined rents
2) Eddie gets to keep his second living space
3) a chance to prove me wrong, and a minimizing of bad pr for the Board!
Talk about "Win/Win"!

Also, the new income will help cover the cost of repair to the '58 basement (including the June 20th cleaning already done by Enterprise), something the $120 a year Eddie's presently paying can't
begin to cover.
(The fact that the Misc Income and Misc Expenses are both $120 has not evaded notice or comment, especially since the usual check listings were not included with the 2008 Common Expenses...)

Of course, the now-ruined carpeting will have to be removed and the mold will have to be cleansed/decontaminated.
Since the condo doesn't have flood insurance, it will probably have to be paid for out of Association funds.
It should be done quickly.
If I lived directly above it, as Diego does, I'd be worried about mold/spore migration & contamination thru the hole in the basement ceiling into MY unit.
But that's just me.
In fact, I'd be surprised if your pets hadn't already shown some signs of distress from it. Their olfactory systems are far more sensitive to such things than humans'.
And we know it's been there for awhile (at least 6 months).
The March 2009 meeting minutes mentioned Krengelis was going to talk to neighbors to allow access for repair to the condo's foundation, and since only the south wall (bordering Eddie's basement living space) butts up to another neighbor's property, it's obvious what they were talking about.

I implore you, vote for what's best for the Condo.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a Board Member.

The Board meeting occurred last night.
When the results are in, I'll let you know.
However, due to Eddie's ineptitude at writing minutes, it may not be until Labor Day!

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008(almost a year ago)...$697.01, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $6, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $30+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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