Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Plumbing Problems (7) & Fox Management Group (#220)

As you might have guessed, Mara couldn't let my previous statements go unchallenged, even if it meant bringing up totally unrelated matters to cover her lack of knowledge...
As usual. B is lending his opinion to scheduling that he knows nothing of.
Thank you Ed for successfully coordinating obtaining the keys and working with Mark and his Enterprise crew.
Mara Fox

Of course, I responded...
As usual, Mara is lending her opinion to something she knows nothing about.
Considering Eddie is the only one with a key to the '58 basement, which he uses as a private living / work space, of course he had to turn a key over to Enterprise to remove the ruined carpeting!
As to the plumbing situation with Jeffrey Services (which was what I was referring to), Eddie didn't give JS access to '60 1E, nor did he provide the '60 1E keys currently in his possession to anyone else here to let JS in!
In fact, he was nowhere to be found!
So, obviously, "lack of effort and failing to play well with others" applies to that, not Enterprise.
Get your facts straight before you speak, Mara.

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill from July, 2008 (almost a year ago)...$725.31, from an original $75!
Note; now that the 1% per workday cumulative late fee is over $7, it's really starting to mount up, at a rate of $35+ a week!
And, it's over 200 (two hundred) late charges, and almost a full year...
I hope Mara's better with her library books and DVD rentals! ;-)

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