Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween from the Claremont WhistleBlower!

Return of the BBB & Fox Management Group (#47, 48 & 49)

No response from Fox Management Group to our most recent BBB complaint.
They have 10 days to respond, 3 have passed. Response must be posted by next Friday, Nov. 7th.

The FoxMobile SUV was at the building on Thursday night.
Mara Fox didn't stop by or drop off a check for their overdue bill...

An interesting addition to the reviews of Fox Management Group on
The greatest accomplishment our condo association has compleate (sic) was to contract Fox Management Group. Thier (sic) are to (sic) many reasons to give in this limited space so only a few will be noted.
1 Works well with board members and members of the condo.
2 Always available and returns phone calls as soon as possible.
3. Up to date on IL. CONDO ACT. as well as IL.OPEN MEETING LAWS (Note: Illinois has NO "open meeting laws" There are rules within the Condo Act, but no stand-alone laws. Sounds like Al and Mara went to the same law school. Oh, that's right. Mara Feldman-Fox has only a Bachelors in Accounting and no legal training, whatsoever...)
4 A great responce (sic) to questions and gives options to choose from.
5. Vast knowledge of vendors for upkeep / repair of property
6. Concerned about the environment.and will make suggestions about recycleing, (sic) CFL's for lighting and etc..
Thank you Stephenie (sic) for being thier (sic) when we need you.
Al G (October 26, 2008 by Al Goelz in Libertyville, IL)

Makes you wonder how old "Al Goelz" (if he really exists) is, if he knows grammar, or even knows how to use spellcheck...

Why is it the few responses praising Fox Management read like they're written by illiterates, except for Eddie Foss' response, which is factually inaccurate? I guess $10 a month living spaces make one too complacent to fact-check!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$123.29 from an original $75!
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$124.52 from an original $75!
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$125.76 from an original $75!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Stalker? 3

On an interesting side note, the "lock stalker" has returned...
As reported here and here, the lock on our basement storage space was flipped open and the note naming Eddie Foss was nowhere to be found.
As I said before...If it wasn't Eddie, I believe whoever it was would've left the paper on the ground where it fell. Why would they have cared what it said, if they weren't the person named on the paper?
Draw your own conclusions.

Return of the BBB Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#45 & 46)

Received this e-mail from the Better Business Bureau this morning (10/28)...
Complaint ID#: 94205306 Business Name: Fox Management Group
Thank you for contacting the BBB. Your complaint was received by the Bureau on October 22, 2008 and has been assigned case # 94205306 in our files.
The case has been reviewed by one of our Complaint Specialists and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. The business is allowed ten days to respond. If we do not receive a response from them after ten days, we will send them a second notification. You will be informed once a response has been received.

I contacted them about Fox Management Group's failure to pay their bill, from me, for services rendered, which, as of today, is $122.07.
Needless to say, you'll be informed (win or lose) of the outcome.

Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$120.87 from an original $75!
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$122.07 from an original $75!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#44)

Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$119.67 from an original $75!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More on the Board meeting...& Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#43)

Interesting side note:
I've discovered that Carol Krengelis, one of two Board members who voted to allow Eddie Foss' Secret Apartment to remain at $10 instead of $150 is a Certified Business Analysis Professional!
She voted to turn down an $1,800 per year offer for a space currently rented to her friend, Edward Vincent Foss, for only $120 a year!
Then, she voted a 5% increase in assessments, instead!
Geez, that certification course must be pretty damn easy if someone with this total lack of business acumen could pass it!
(Let's not even go into the alreadt-extant violations of the state Condo Code, and probably Building Code this vote enabled!)
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$118.49 from an original $75!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More on the Board meeting...& Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#42)

Kommissar Carol Krengelis again brought up her delusion of my turning on the basement lights while she was lurking in the darkness with the lights off, said it was "11am on a Saturday in July." (and let's not even discuss why she was in the basement with the lights off!)
Of course she didn't say this before the meeting, when I asked her several times for date and time she claimed the incident occurred.
After the meeting, in reviewing my schedule for July, I noted that of the four Saturdays, I was at the building at 11am only on one of them.
One Saturday I was in an ASPP tour group which I had to log in for!
One Saturday, I was at a Borders (and have a receipt to prove it)!
One Saturday, M & I were in transit on Amtrak (and have a ticket to prove it! You have to show ID on Amtrak now!)
How much do you want to bet that Carol Krengelis' addled brain can't pick the one date I WAS home?
It's a 1-in-4 chance!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$117.32 from an original $75!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Board Meeting results...

In the "News to Us" category...
The Board voted the 5% assessment increase, then informed me that they had voted against our $1,800 per year offer for the Secret Apartment at the last meeting, but had failed to mention it in the minutes!
So Eddie Foss gets to keep his $10 a month living space...for now.
Once I have the minutes confirming the vote, the next step will be taken.

My impressions...
Mara Feldman-Fox did an excellent impression of Joe McCarthy, waving around documents hysterically, without letting people actually look at them, claiming all sorts of things, including that she HAD answered questions put to her (when she in fact hadn't) and that I was harassing her by even asking such questions!
She also pointedly refused to pay the bill for services rendered and repeated the erroneous assumption that she had the right to bill $75 per hour for her services without notfication of the change in cost (from $0 to $75).
Carol Krengelis foamed at the mouth as well, blaming me for things like her bike's tires being deflated (even though my bike's were deflated as well!) and my turning on the lights while she sat in a darkened basement!
I was beginning to think an exorcist was needed...

The Startling Saga of the Secret Apartment (3) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#40 & #41)

Surprisingly, Fox Management Group responded swiftly, providing a copy of the rent rolls, which showed the living/work space as "storage", and a copy of the "lease", which was neither signed by any parties (including the Board [neither of whom live here any longer], Eddie Foss, or Mara Fox), nor dated!

More tomorrow, as well as the results of tonite's Board meeting, where I'll be pushing for a vote on the rental of the '58 space which has been on the Boards' back burner since January!

In the ongoing billing situation...
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$115.01 from an original $75!
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$116.16 from an original $75!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Startling Saga of the Secret Apartment (2) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#39)

Carol Krengelis' response...
Only unit owners are entitled to information regarding the '58-60 condominiums.
The owner of your unit, M, in entitled to information regarding the condominiums. If she would like information, she needs to make the request to the management office and please copy me.

So, M contacted Fox Management Group directly...
According to Carol Krengelis, I must ask for this information thru the management office, so here's the official request:
Dear Carol Krengelis and/or Mara Fox:
I need some info from you in your official capacities for the Condo at '58-60.
Specifically I need print copies of the following...
The repair bills for the water damage reported in the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 in 2004.
The rent rolls for the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 from 2002-present (July-Aug 2007)
Shouldn't be more than 4 pages or so.
B or I can do the copies myself if you don't have the equipment to do so.

Note that this request was originally made over a week ago. Jul 28, 2007 8:52 PM

What was the response? Did they stall further? Find out Monday!

BTW, there's a Board meeting this Tuesday, the 21st, at which I'll be requesting a vote be taken on the proposal for M to rent the space (presently used as living space by Eddie Foss for $10 per month) for $150 per month! The pitch was made in January and STILL has not been discussed and voted upon!

In the ongoing billing situation...
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$113.87 from an original $75!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Startling Saga of the Secret Apartment & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#38)

To give you an idea of the secretive mindset (such as it is) of the Board about the Secret Apartment...
After discovery of the Secret Apartment, I tried to go thru "official" channels with the Board and management company...

Hi, Carol (Krengelis, who at that point was the Treasurer of the Condo):
B from '60, here.
I need some info from you in your official capacity as Treasurer for the Condo.
Specifically I need print copies of the following...
The repair bills for the water damage reported in the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 in 2004.
The rent rolls for the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 from 2002-present (July-Aug 2007)
Shouldn't be more than 4 pages or so.
I can do the copies myself if you don't have the equipment to do so.

Her response:
Just curious as to why you would be asking for this particular information.

My response to her non-response:
I'm curious as to why you're curious.
I'm asking for specific financial (income and expenses) information on a specific Common Area of the condo within a specific time frame.
Any and all residents of a condo are entitled to such information regarding any common areas under the condo law (I downloaded it off the Internet.) and your own charter.
Would you be asking if I wanted to know how much the condo paid for the new washing machine?
However, to keep this on a friendly basis, I'll tell you.
I intend to sublet the empty half the of the Common Area space at '58.
I want to be certain that the present occupant is indeed a legal tenant, how long the lease is (bi-annual, annual or month-to-month), that he is current on his rent, and exactly how much the rent is.
After all, if you wanted to sublet half a space would you want to pay the whole rent for the space?
There is no matter of "privacy" attached since I (and you, and everyone else in the condo, including the presumed renter) are, technically, the landlord(s) of the space. We all have the right to this information.
If, as an officer of the condominium association, you are unwilling or unable to provide the requested information, it will be duly noted and recorded.
I'm hoping you'll be reasonable.

Were they reasonable?
What do you think?
Find out tomorrow! Same Condo Time! Same Condo Channel!

In the ongoing billing situation...
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$112.74 from an original $75!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

News & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#37)

1) Adam Kroshus, who moved back to the building a couple of weeks ago from out of state, has apparently been holed-up in his apartment, and apparently didn't see the new signs saying there was no parking on Wednesday so streetcleaners could come thru. His out-of-state-plated SUV was ticketed. Helluva "Welcome Home", eh?
2) It appears a second unit in the complex is headed for foreclosure.
One unit is already "Lis Pendins".
The second has missed assessment payments, and the people are there only sporadically.

Been busy with Halloween-related/tight-deadline graphics projects, so unable to post more about Eddie Foss' $10 a month living space. Once deadlines have passed, will continue with some interesting correspondence between him, Mara Fox & me.

In the ongoing billing situation...
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$111.62 from an original $75!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#36)

Been busy with Halloween-related/tight-deadline graphics projects, so unable to post more about Eddie Foss' $10 a month living space. Once deadlines have passed, will continue with some interesting correspondence between him, Mara Fox & me.

In the ongoing billing situation...
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$110.52. Monday was Columbus Day, a holiday!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#34 & 35)

Been busy with Halloween-related/tight-deadline graphics projects, so unable to post more about Eddie Foss' $10 a month living space. Once deadlines have passed, will continue with some interesting correspondence between him, Mara Fox & me.

In the ongoing billing situation...
Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$108.35.
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$109.43.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#32 & 33)

Been busy with Halloween-related/tight-deadline graphics projects, so unable to post more about Eddie Foss' $10 a month living space. Once deadlines have passed, will continue with some interesting correspondence between him, Mara Fox & me.

In the ongoing billing situation...
Tuesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$106.22.
Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$107.28.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#30 & 31)

Had to work on a tight-deadline project and couldn't post Friday.

Today there was mail (a padded envelope that didn't fit in the tiny lobby mailboxes we have) for "Mike Foss" with Eddie Foss' address.
An alias, perhaps?

Tomorrow: more correspondence about Eddie Foss' $10 a month living space...

In other news...
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$104.13.
Monday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$105.17.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space (8) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#29)

In response to posters (put up in the condo common areas) containing the information you've been reading in this blog for the past week or so, I received an interesting email supposedly from one of the absentee unit owners...
Mr. R, (yes it was addressed to "Mr. R" not me, B, more about that below)
I am a unit owner at North Claremont and I want to make this short. I have absolutely no problem with Ed Foss renting the extra room. He has been an excellent Condo President and his using that space is not causing undo financial hardship to the association. In fact, his renting it has helped the association when he noticed water leaking into it a couple of years ago and addressed it immediately. I have owned a unit at the building for four and a half years and I have no complaints against Fox Management. They have been an excellent managment
(sic) company and are one of the selling points of the condo. I would appreciate it if you would take those flyers down and quit making problems where none exsist (sic). Thank you!
Adam K

My emailed response:
Mr. K:
Since no rational being can make an informed decision with only one side of a debate presented (and I believe you are a rational being), I respectfully request that you allow me my to present my point of view.
Let me show you the evidence I have amassed (which disproves a number of the points you mention) and then you should make an informed decision.
I can either do it in person, or I can e-mail you a link to a password-protected website with the information.
Please note that since Fox Management has slapped a restraining order on me forbidding me contact in any way with Fox or the Board, sharing any of the information from the site or presentation with the Board or Fox is a breach of the order and actionable by me.
(I enclose a jpeg of the Gag order letter FYI.)
I can also send you jpegs of the various posters so you will have a better grasp of the situation. (There have been seven different ones so far. Five more are in preparation.)
And, I can forward the e-mails between Eddie Foss, the board, and myself that have lead to this situation.
An informed decision is the best decision!
The problems do exist, and need to be addressed and corrected.
Sometimes even a comedian needs to be dead serious. This is one of those times.
PS: Since you emailed me at this address instead of the one posted on the fliers, I'm curious as to how you got this e-mail addy, not to mention the fact you addressed me as "Mr. R".
I ain't "Mr. R" ! My e-mail addy is a tribute to the multi-media character.
My name, "B", is on most of the posters. And everyone knows me on sight as "B"...
PPS Please jog my failing memory. I don't remember seeing you at any of the recent Board Meetings. Which apartment are you in? ;-)
PPPS to Fox, this is a follow-up to an email you received from Mr. K, thus this is not a violation, since he initiated the process.

I never received a response, which makes me wonder if the email was legit.
In person, he seemed like a relatively-intelligent person, unlike the writer of the letter whose priorities seem skewed.
It's entirely possible the email addy was faked.
If it was, indeed, from him, it was most likely in response to a desperate phone call or email from Eddie Foss, who had trouble generating sympathetic response from the on-site owners when the Secret Apartment matter was revealed, and presented a somewhat-warped version of events to the out-of-the-loop Adam K.

Now, according to his tenant who moved out yesterday, Adam K is moving back to his condo, just in time for the Board meeting on October 21st.

Since Adam K was a regular attendee when he lived here, I'll be asking him, in person, if the email was from him and what prompted it.

Mr. K's MySpace or FaceBook page (I forget which) says he's read State of Denial.
Let's hope he's not living in it, as well.

It's gonna be an interesting meeting...

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$103.10.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space (7) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#28)

Interesting notes: The silver-gray SUV with "Fox-XX" (numbers redacted, but between 50-75) was back Tuesday night for a couple of hours, then left. Fox couldn't just slip the check under the door?
Thus: Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$102.08.

Back to our narrative...
I said yesterday: Fox Management Group to me: "You have the right to remain silent! We suggest you exercise it!" (it's a paraphrase, but not far off from the actual letter...)

What the letter to my wife (who is the owner of our unit) actually said...
"Please be advised that under, Mr. B has no voice in issues regarding running the association. He is not an owner, but a resident of the property. We have requested a legal opinion regarding the rights of non-owners at an association and were told, that non-unit owner residents do not have the same rights as a unit owner... M, based on this information, Mr. B will not be able to address the board in the future. All communication with the board, either verbally, by letter or by email must be discontinued immediately. Any future violations or harassment may result in fines on your account." (My emphasis)

A standard tactic of a dictatorship is to instill fear of retribution to any who speak out against it.
Mara Feldman-Fox and the Board (Carol Krengelis, Judith Lea Marrs, & Eddie Foss) thus decided to abridge the First Amendment of the Constitution by forbidding me to even say "Hi" if we passed in the hallways!
(At this point in time, a Board member's parent had just died, and, under the notice, I was forbidden to even offer my condolences to her, lest I be fined for verbal communication!)

Curiously, Eddie Foss showed up at my front door shortly after we received this notice (by certified mail) demanding to know how I acquired my information. I simply told him, "you have a gag order on me, thus I can't talk to you!" and slammed the door in his face.

To avoid a bogus fine, M & I simply filed a proxy to permit me to speak as her representative at Board meetings. It was easier to go thru the formality than trying to argue logic with these people which, as you can see, is futile.)

One additional note: when I contacted the Better Business Bureau about how the Board & Fox Management Group had failed to correct a potentially-dangerous issue, Mara, in her response, told the BBB that I had no right to speak for M, even though Mara Fox herself had (unwillingly, no doubt, but legally-obliged) helped M craft the proxy letter.
In addition, she told the BBB that she "encouraged" my participation at Board meetings! (Sending the BBB a pdf of the gag order letter corrected that misrepresentation quickly enough!)

More fun tomorrow!