Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Board Meeting results...

In the "News to Us" category...
The Board voted the 5% assessment increase, then informed me that they had voted against our $1,800 per year offer for the Secret Apartment at the last meeting, but had failed to mention it in the minutes!
So Eddie Foss gets to keep his $10 a month living space...for now.
Once I have the minutes confirming the vote, the next step will be taken.

My impressions...
Mara Feldman-Fox did an excellent impression of Joe McCarthy, waving around documents hysterically, without letting people actually look at them, claiming all sorts of things, including that she HAD answered questions put to her (when she in fact hadn't) and that I was harassing her by even asking such questions!
She also pointedly refused to pay the bill for services rendered and repeated the erroneous assumption that she had the right to bill $75 per hour for her services without notfication of the change in cost (from $0 to $75).
Carol Krengelis foamed at the mouth as well, blaming me for things like her bike's tires being deflated (even though my bike's were deflated as well!) and my turning on the lights while she sat in a darkened basement!
I was beginning to think an exorcist was needed...

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