Friday, October 17, 2008

The Startling Saga of the Secret Apartment (2) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#39)

Carol Krengelis' response...
Only unit owners are entitled to information regarding the '58-60 condominiums.
The owner of your unit, M, in entitled to information regarding the condominiums. If she would like information, she needs to make the request to the management office and please copy me.

So, M contacted Fox Management Group directly...
According to Carol Krengelis, I must ask for this information thru the management office, so here's the official request:
Dear Carol Krengelis and/or Mara Fox:
I need some info from you in your official capacities for the Condo at '58-60.
Specifically I need print copies of the following...
The repair bills for the water damage reported in the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 in 2004.
The rent rolls for the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 from 2002-present (July-Aug 2007)
Shouldn't be more than 4 pages or so.
B or I can do the copies myself if you don't have the equipment to do so.

Note that this request was originally made over a week ago. Jul 28, 2007 8:52 PM

What was the response? Did they stall further? Find out Monday!

BTW, there's a Board meeting this Tuesday, the 21st, at which I'll be requesting a vote be taken on the proposal for M to rent the space (presently used as living space by Eddie Foss for $10 per month) for $150 per month! The pitch was made in January and STILL has not been discussed and voted upon!

In the ongoing billing situation...
Friday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$113.87 from an original $75!

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