Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eddie Foss' $10 a month Living Space (8) & Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#29)

In response to posters (put up in the condo common areas) containing the information you've been reading in this blog for the past week or so, I received an interesting email supposedly from one of the absentee unit owners...
Mr. R, (yes it was addressed to "Mr. R" not me, B, more about that below)
I am a unit owner at North Claremont and I want to make this short. I have absolutely no problem with Ed Foss renting the extra room. He has been an excellent Condo President and his using that space is not causing undo financial hardship to the association. In fact, his renting it has helped the association when he noticed water leaking into it a couple of years ago and addressed it immediately. I have owned a unit at the building for four and a half years and I have no complaints against Fox Management. They have been an excellent managment
(sic) company and are one of the selling points of the condo. I would appreciate it if you would take those flyers down and quit making problems where none exsist (sic). Thank you!
Adam K

My emailed response:
Mr. K:
Since no rational being can make an informed decision with only one side of a debate presented (and I believe you are a rational being), I respectfully request that you allow me my to present my point of view.
Let me show you the evidence I have amassed (which disproves a number of the points you mention) and then you should make an informed decision.
I can either do it in person, or I can e-mail you a link to a password-protected website with the information.
Please note that since Fox Management has slapped a restraining order on me forbidding me contact in any way with Fox or the Board, sharing any of the information from the site or presentation with the Board or Fox is a breach of the order and actionable by me.
(I enclose a jpeg of the Gag order letter FYI.)
I can also send you jpegs of the various posters so you will have a better grasp of the situation. (There have been seven different ones so far. Five more are in preparation.)
And, I can forward the e-mails between Eddie Foss, the board, and myself that have lead to this situation.
An informed decision is the best decision!
The problems do exist, and need to be addressed and corrected.
Sometimes even a comedian needs to be dead serious. This is one of those times.
PS: Since you emailed me at this address instead of the one posted on the fliers, I'm curious as to how you got this e-mail addy, not to mention the fact you addressed me as "Mr. R".
I ain't "Mr. R" ! My e-mail addy is a tribute to the multi-media character.
My name, "B", is on most of the posters. And everyone knows me on sight as "B"...
PPS Please jog my failing memory. I don't remember seeing you at any of the recent Board Meetings. Which apartment are you in? ;-)
PPPS to Fox, this is a follow-up to an email you received from Mr. K, thus this is not a violation, since he initiated the process.

I never received a response, which makes me wonder if the email was legit.
In person, he seemed like a relatively-intelligent person, unlike the writer of the letter whose priorities seem skewed.
It's entirely possible the email addy was faked.
If it was, indeed, from him, it was most likely in response to a desperate phone call or email from Eddie Foss, who had trouble generating sympathetic response from the on-site owners when the Secret Apartment matter was revealed, and presented a somewhat-warped version of events to the out-of-the-loop Adam K.

Now, according to his tenant who moved out yesterday, Adam K is moving back to his condo, just in time for the Board meeting on October 21st.

Since Adam K was a regular attendee when he lived here, I'll be asking him, in person, if the email was from him and what prompted it.

Mr. K's MySpace or FaceBook page (I forget which) says he's read State of Denial.
Let's hope he's not living in it, as well.

It's gonna be an interesting meeting...

Thursday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$103.10.

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