Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More on the Board meeting...& Still no payment from Fox Management Group (#42)

Kommissar Carol Krengelis again brought up her delusion of my turning on the basement lights while she was lurking in the darkness with the lights off, said it was "11am on a Saturday in July." (and let's not even discuss why she was in the basement with the lights off!)
Of course she didn't say this before the meeting, when I asked her several times for date and time she claimed the incident occurred.
After the meeting, in reviewing my schedule for July, I noted that of the four Saturdays, I was at the building at 11am only on one of them.
One Saturday I was in an ASPP tour group which I had to log in for!
One Saturday, I was at a Borders (and have a receipt to prove it)!
One Saturday, M & I were in transit on Amtrak (and have a ticket to prove it! You have to show ID on Amtrak now!)
How much do you want to bet that Carol Krengelis' addled brain can't pick the one date I WAS home?
It's a 1-in-4 chance!

Wednesday's total for Fox Management Group's still-unpaid bill...$117.32 from an original $75!

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